Social work

EZA seminar “Social Dialogue as a Precondition for Social Work Professionalization in the Baltic States”.

In May 26-27, 2016, an annual international EZA Seminar “Social Dialogue as a Precondition for Social Work Professionalization in the Baltic States” was held at Latvian Christian academy (supported by EC). The goal of the Seminar – in times when the paradigm of social work undergoes changes it is necessary to sketch more precisely borders […]

LChrA – member of Social Entrepreneurship Association of Latvia (SEAL).

In May 11, 2016, a discussion on further development of Social entrepreneurship education in Latvia was held at Center of social initiatives in Riga. Rector of LChrA prof. Skaidrite Gūtmane took part in it. Latvian Christian academy was accepted as a member of Social Entrepreneurship Association of Latvia (SEAL).  

Lectures for Social work students within ERASMUS+ mobility frame

In September 23-26, 2015, within the ERASMUS+ cooperation framework practice-oriented lectures “On Social work with Children and Adolscents” were given for Social work students by Evelina Daruliene and Ingrida Gailiene, lecturers from Kolping University of Applied Sciences (Kaunas, Lithuania).

Annual EZA seminar at Latvian Christian academy

An international EZA (“European Center for Worker’s Questions”) seminar titled “The meaning of Social enterprises in Europe for promotion of employment and the role of worker’s organizations” was held at Latvian Christian academy in September 24-25, 2015. It was attended also by President of EZA Mr. Bartho Pronk; among experts were Norbert Klein (EZA), Sir […]

Concept of Caritative social work presented at the 2nd Forum of Latvian social workers

The 2nd forum of Latvian social workers was hosted by the recently built splendid Latvian National library in Riga, September 17, 2015. The Forum was attended by both practicioners and theoreticians of social work from Latvia and abroad and it was adressed by the President of Latvia R. Vējonis. The Forum was welcomed by […]