
Appreciation of the work done at the Academy and by prof. Skaidrīte Gūtmane

Rector of European Christian Academy prof. Skaidrite Gūtmane has received Letter of the Apostolic Blessing from Pope Francis, head of the Roman Catholic Church, in December 8, 2023. The Letter is an exclusive sign of appreciation after 30 years of both research and educational work carried out at the Academy since 1993, especially in the […]

“Baltic Info Days-2023” in Vilnius

ERASMUS+ coordinators gathered for “Baltic Info Days-2023” in Vilnius, Lithuania, in November 21-22, dealing with international dimension of the higher education. Development and implementation of innovative ideas through centralized actions in the higher education was preseneted by the Mr. German Bernal Rios (EC). Centralized actions aree carried out also by European Christian Academy. ECA was […]

EZA seminar “Ready for AI? – The world of work in the upcoming revolution”

An international seminar “Ready for AI? – The world of work in the upcoming revolution” was held in Sofia, Bulgaria, November 23-24, 2023. Experts from various EU countries discussed topical issues related to AI and challenges for humanity in the fast changing situation across the globe. The seminar was introduced by President of EZA Luc […]

Letter of Appreciation to prof. S.Gūtmane for her academic contribution

The VIII conference of Latvian supervisors and presentatioon of the book on the history of the profession in Latvia was he;ld in November 9, 2023. Rector of ECrA prof Skaidrīte Gūtmane was awarded with Letter of Appreciation for her pioneering academic contribution in the development of the profession.

Rector of ECA Skaidrīte Gūtmane – professor at Klaipeda University

Senate and Council of social sciences at Klaipeda University (Lithuania) voted for awarding rector of European Christian Academy prof. Skaidrite Gūtmane as partnering professor in social sciences at Klaipeda University, June 21, 2023. Cooperation with KU lasts already 10 years – prof. Skaidrīte Gūtmane has taken active part in international conferences, presented various lecture courses, she is also vice-editor in chief of the Academic Proceedings of KU “Tiltai / Bridges”. The awarding event at the Rector’s office was attended by Prorector of sciences and studies prof. Sonata Mačiulskyte, Rector’s advisor Rita Vaičekauskaite, Dr. habil., visiting professor at ECA Elvyra Aciene. The Diploma was awarded by the Rector Prof. Artūras Razdabauskas.

Article on Caritative social work by prof. S.Gūtmane – in Lithuania

Work”. The article presents interdisciplinary approach to social work theory and practice stemming from the Biblical Judeo-Christian anthropology. It is practically useful view on the unique potentials of social work in modern risk society. Academic editor of the Proceedings is

“Semaines Sociales de France” – IXE group meeting

“Semaines Sociales de France” – IXE-group held another online meeting in March 12-13, 2021. The topic for the meeting and discussions was “Glasgow as a new landmark of sustainability: Realizing the green transition through global efort”. At the end of gthe meeting the joint Statement was accepted stating that “neither in pandemic nor in climate crisis can anybody be saved alone. We recognize that efforts at the individual and community level are indispensable and instead of falling back to our previous habits, we are called to convert to a positive approach to living sustainably during and after the pandemic […] climate change, global poverty and inequality are impeding the foundation of the common home.” Latvian Christian academy was represented by its Rector prof. Skaidrite Gūtmane. The Initiative of Christians for Europe (IXE) is an association of lay organizations and committed Christians from different European countries. Latvian Chriostian academy is cooperating with IXE since 2004.

International conference at Kolpingo University College, Lithuania

Rector of Latvian Christian academy prof. Skaidrite Gūtmane and assist. prof. Guntis Dišlers participated an international conference “The importance of eco-thinking in modern society”. In the Plenary session prof. Gūtmane presented her research of Ecology and Social work client: Anthropological practice of Antioch”, whereas assist. prof. Dišlers joined the section with “Mainlines of the risk society and challenge of Patristics for human ecology”. Both speakers dealt with methodology issues in their presentations. The conference used MS TEAMS for participants’ communication.

Latvian Christian academy – in dealing with COVID

COVID-19 has dramatically influenced all our lives around the globe both personally and nationally. Virus has taken thousands around the world, creating psychological, social, economic crises. Latvian Christian academy has come up with several publications dealing with the issue and recovery beyond the pandemic: Gūtmane S. Zināsim vairāk, izdarīsim labāk. [Knowing More, Doing Better], (journal […]

International Social Work conference at Klaipeda University celebrating 25 Years of the Department

In September 25, 2020, an International social work conference “Humaneness, Social Work, XXI century” was held at Klaipeda University (Lithuania), celebrating 25 years of Social work department. Rector of Latvian Christian academy prof. Skaidrīte Gūtmane participated in the plenary session with the presentation “Client-focused Caritative Social work in the Risk Society Today”.