
European Christian Academy enrols students in the following State and European accredited study programmes (which all have been accredited for maximum duration):

Bachelor studies:

Master studies:

See Admission Regulations for Foreign Students.

TUITION FEES – adaptable system!


EUR / per study year

“Bible Art”, Bachelor 5000
“Bible Art” Master 5500
“Theology”, Bachelor 3000
“Theology”, Master 3500
“Caritative Social Work / Client-oriented SW”, Bachelor 3000
“Caritative Social Work / Client-oriented SW”, Master 3500
“Social Work”, Professional programme, 2nd level 3000
“Social Business Administration, Professional Master 3500
“Supervision”, Master 3500

Regarding terms of enrollment, study fees and other questions please contact Study department:
e-mail akademija@kra.lv, phone +371 29266532; +371 67753360.


 Documents needed for the application procedure:

  • Application_Form_for incoming_students
  • Official legalised Matriculation / School Leaving Certificate including the grades (Transcript of records). If You want to transfer studies at LCA you have to submit Transcript of records or other document of your previous study results
  • A document issued by the Academic Information Centre confirming the academic qualification obtained in a foreign country and recognition of it in Latvia (given by LCA)
  • ID card (only for EU and EEA citizens) or copy of passport (for non-EU citizens, all filled pages)
  • Photograph
  • Motivation Letter
  • A copy of the check showing paid Application fee of 120 EUR (where the name of the applicant and the date of payment is indicated). Application fee is one-time payment for starting the application process to Academy, and is not refundable.

All the documents have to be either in English or Latvian language. Officially certified copies of the documents must be presented in original language and in English. Subscription of the Notary for English and Latvian translations of documents may be required. The educational documents must be legalized with APOSTILLE. The applicant might be asked to submit additional documents*.

*In case you send documents, please, do not send any original certificates or authentications, as the received documents will not be returned.

Documents for application to studies are accepted: until May 31 (for Autumn semester); until October 1 (Spring semester). Closing of the enrolment competition: June 30 (for Autumn semester); November 1 (Spring semester).

NOTE! When applying for a Bachelor’s programme, applicants have to present the following education documents: 1) Secondary School Certificate (in Russia – Аттестат о среднем (полном) общем образовании OR Аттестат о среднем общем образовании (issued since 2014); 2) Academic Transcript (in Russia – Приложение к аттестату); 3) Only for Russian students – Certificate of Unified State Examination (Свидетельство о результатах единого государственного экзамена) (It has to be officially certified by previous educational institute.)

When applying for Master’s programme, applicants have to present the following education documents: 1) Bachelor´s diploma (in Russia – Диплом бакалавра; 2) Academic Transcripts (in Russia – Приложение к диплому).

Application fee: 120 EUR.

When making a wire transfer, the name and surname of the person for which the application fee is paid should be specified in the payment order.

Purpose of payment: Application fee, NAME, FAMILY NAME and DATE OF BIRTH
Address: Vienibas prospekts 23, Jurmala, LV-2010, Latvija
Registration number: 40003129210
VAT number: LV40003129210
Address: Balasta dambis 15, Riga, LV-1048, Latvija
Account No. IBAN: LV33HABA0551007993096
S.W.I.F.T./BIC code: HABALV22
Amount: 120.00 EUR

Application deadlines for submitting documents for enrolment:

For Autumn semester: 31st of May. For Spring semester: 1st of October.

Closing of the enrolment competition: June 30 (for Autumn semester); November 1 (for Spring semester)

The Autumn semester begins around the 1st of September. The Spring semester begins around the 1st of February.

After the application:

  1. If your documents are correct and application is successful, you will receive the Conditional Acceptance Letter, which starts your application to studies at Academy.
  2. After receiving the Application fee, the Incoming Mobility Coordinator will send you the list of documents necessary for Visa/ or Residence permit application. The EU, EEA and Swiss citizens do not need any visas (only Registration Certificate if residing in Latvia more than 90 days within a 6 months period).
  3. Academy will prepare for you the Invitation for applying for residence permit/ visa regarding studies from Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs. For preparing the invitation, student should send the following data to Incoming Mobility Coordinator: 1) copy of passport (all filled pages); 2) date
  4.  and place of birth; 3) citizenship; 4) home address (in home country); 5) address of accommodation in Latvia; 6) address of Embassy of Latvia where student will submit the documents for the residence permit.
  5. As Academy do not have dormitories, find your place of stay (residence housing) in Latvia for the period of studies and have a lease agreement/ rent contract with the owners, and send the address to Incoming Mobility Coordinator.
  6. After the invitation is approved, the student can submit documents for residence permit, allowing you to study in Latvia, in the closest Latvian Embassy in your country or at the Embassy of other country who has territorial competence on giving visas for going to Latvia.
  7. Consider the time you need to approach the Embassy if it is not located in your country.
    • Send the Embassy invitation number and receive the appointment date for applying the documents.
    • Prepare the documents for submission for residence permit and apply (see the list of documents for the residence permit). NOTE The educational documents must be legalized with APOSTILLE.
    • After application for residence permit, it takes a month for Migration Office to consider the application (more about visa and residence permit regarding studies at Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs (OCMA): https://www.pmlp.gov.lv/en/residence-permits-0#1; and Visa and Residence Permits section
  8. In case of issuing Residence permit/ visa regarding studies, plan your trip to Latvia.
    • Inform the Incoming Mobility Coordinator about your arrival dates.
  9. Pay the 1-year Tuition Fee in advance – before the beginning of study year. Application to studies is finished when applicant receives Residence permit/ Visa to Latvia regarding studies and has paid the 1-year Tuition Fee.
  10. Start your studies! The new Academic year begins around the 1st of September.

The Tuition Fee paid should be specified in the payment order.

Purpose of payment: Tuition
Address: Vienibas prospekts 23, Jurmala, LV-2010, Latvija
Registration number: 40003129210
VAT number: LV40003129210
Address: Balasta dambis 15, Riga, LV-1048, Latvija
Account No. IBAN: LV33HABA0551007993096
S.W.I.F.T./BIC code: HABALV22

Before applying for studies please read about thew Risk management and quality assurance system at the Academt that makes your studies safe and pleasing!

Regarding terms of enrolment, study fees and other questions please contact:

  • Study department: e-mail akademija@kra.lv, phone; +371 67753360; +371 29266532
  • International studies and ERASMUS+ department: erasmus@kra.lv, phone +371 67753360