
European Christian Academy has received full State and European accreditation without duration.

European Christian Academy (ECA) is an accredited university of applied sciences. We are proud to have excellent staff and academic team devoted to the strategy of the Academy. It is reflected by the “U-Multirank University Rankings” (2021) – ECA was mentioned among the seven best best Latvian HEIs.

The history of the Academy boasts with several EC appreciation facts:

In June 3, 2020, ECA was awarded with Diploma Supplement Recognition Paper. EC Recognition Papers are awarded to those European HEIs that have achieved excellency in the ECTS and DS implementation. ECTS is an instrument that helps in international recognition of the study results and qualification and makes comparison of the higher education possible across Europe.

From 2022 ECA works for the “Jean Monnet Excellence Center” recognition. Dimension of the European integration is implemented in all study programs and quality assurance system.

In 2021 the Academy was awarded with the EACEA Plaque of Honor for implementation of the prestigious ERASMUS+ “Jean Monnet Module” (the content of the Module: European Social work and Social entrepreneurship with Future”).

ECA implements the student-centered approach.

ECA works within the Bologna system framework. It is important for the quality education and for inclusion in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA).

Our civic mission is to include higher education in the unified European educational system and to ensure qualified studies and successful career for both students and graduates.

Education in the Social welfare direction we see as cornerstone for education and research quality necessary for equipping students with knowledge for transformative changes in the modern social context.

We pay great attention to international contacts by involvement in inter-universities’ network, EC organizations, as EZA (European Center for Workers’ Questions), Semaines Sociales de France, IXE-Group (Initiatives of Christian for Europe), International Diaconate Center among others.

Thanks to the International Support Council operating since 1993, ECA has been able to attract teachers from around the globe and to create strategically innovative approaches to the social welfare field.

ECA works for innovations. Innovations come from ancient anthropological traditions: Judeo-Christian roots followed by subsequent Orthodox Christian knowledge in theology and anthropology with the goal to find meaningful answers to global; and European challenges in social life where we observe drastic movements of tectonic plates in social and political sphere.

Our mission is to witness our responsibility, to devote ourselves and share with others our interdisciplinary knowledge for the benefit of European society.

Or vision as private, civic and socially responsible university is to provide knowledge fit for meaningful response to biggest European challenges.


  1. Offer interdisciplinary knowledge, skills and competence about the world around us in order to build up students’ critical thinking bymulti-faceted knowledge fit for adaptation to the ever-chaning world,
  2. Cooperate with other universities, EC research centers, civic institutions to promote good knowledge and develop new approaches fit for professional applications,
  3. Work innovatively, searching answers to the ever gowing problems in the modern world,
  4. Benefitting from international educational and research networks and platforms we work for involvement of both students and teachers in innovative knowldge which grow from ancient anthropological traditions.

Our values:

  1. To rediscover and promote meaningfulness and importance of the European anthropological and theological knowledge,
  2. Connectedness and involvement: we are aware of the importance of mutuality and solidarity when it comes to search for answers to global challenges. We are members of a widespread international cooperation,
  3. Honesty and decency is manifested in our goals to achieve them. We act openly and independently with respect to others’ achievements and natural environment around us,
  4. Responsibility and initiative: we care for responsibility against students and society,
  5. Innovative thinking at ECA means precise understanding of the European concept of man – “innovation from antiquity”, which helps to find solutions for current social and professional tasks,
  6. Critical and open-minded view – essential for high quality academic environment at ECA. We use ancient ideas when fresh approach to the professional development and research are required. theological heritage of the Eastern Church Fathers, with emphasis on its anthropological approach. The heritage is recognized by all Christian Churches, whereas the East has methodologically highlighted criteria for recognition of Truth, namely, the unity of the Word taught and practice, unity of life and spiritual experience.

Building on this foundation several study programs are provided: Biblical art, Supervision, Social entrepreneurship. The Academy develops in several directions which are provided as certified courses and seminars upon request.

The Academy offers the following European level accredited study programs:

  • Professional bachelor study program “Caritative Social Work / Client-oriented Social work”,
  • Professional master study program “Caritative Social Work / Client-oriented Social work”,
  • 2nd level professional higher education study program “Social Work”,
  • Professional Master study program “Supervision in Social Work”,
  • Professional Master study program “Social Entrepreneurship Administration”.
  • Academic bachelor study program “Bible Art” (Iconography, Scriptology,  Graphics, Drawing).
  • Academic master study program “Bible Art”,
  • Academic bachelor study program “Theology”,
  • Academic master study program “Theology”.

European Christian Academy is member of ERASMUS Charter  of European Universities. The Academy has signed Agreement for ERASMUS+ studies partnerships with 20 Universities across Europe.

Partners of European Christian Academy:

  • Israel Antiquities Authority (IL),
  • Rockefeller Museum (IL)
  • Ben-Gurion University on the Negev (IL),
  • Bethlehem University (PA),
  • Interparliamentary Assembly on Orthodoxy (GR),
  • Orthodox Academy of Crete (GR),
  • International Social Academy (ISA) (LT),
  • ECAC (European Continetal Art Centre) (NL),
  • EPSIN (European Platform for Social Integration),
  • EUROCS (European Organization for Civic Responsibility) (BE),
  • European Association of Schools of Social Work (EASSW),
  • European Social Work Research Association (ESWRA),
  • European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA),
  • EZA (European Center for Workers’ Questions and Social Dialogue) (DE),
  • IDC International Diaconate Center (DE),
  • St. Ignatius of Loyola University of Applied Sciences (LT),
  • IXE-GROUP (Initiatives of Christians for Europe) (FR),
  • Jerusalem University (IL),
  • KatHO (Catholic University of Applied Sciences (DE),
  • Klaipeda University (LT),
  • Kolpingo University of Applied Sciences (LT),
  • Kaunas University of Applied Sciences (LT),
  • Lapland University (FI),
  • Malmo University (SE),
  • The National Association for Practice of Anthropology (NAPA),
  • Semaines Sociales de France (FR),
  • University of Bialystok (PL),
  • University of Cologne (DE),
  • University of Helsinki (F),
  • University of Warsaw (PL),
  • VID Specialized University (NO).

Strength of the Academy lays in the following:

  • Well-functioning quality culture and quality assessment system,
  • Highly qualified academic staff,
  • Interdisciplinary and research-based and student-oriented teaching,
  • Innovation and uniqueness of the integrative theology method in research,
  • Supportive, international and no-nonsense study environment,
  • Studies available in Latvian, English and Russian languages,
  • European Integration Study Module for students who do not come automatically with studies in European Social Agenda.