
Social work research council at LCHRA

Social work research board of representatives from different universities visited LChrA in April 29 where Rector S.Gūtmane presented the concept of caritative (Christian) social work methodology offered by the Academy. After discussion specialists exchange their views on possible cooperation within the frame of social work study programmes.

Acquaintance with French Christian social initiatives

Vice-president of the French Christian social organization „Semaines Sociales de France” Mr. Bernard Chenevez visited Latvian Christian academy in March 10. Mr. Chenevez represents also the French-German Christian Social cooperation organization „Initiative of Christians for Europe”. He got acquianted with the Academy and discussed plans for further cooperation in both research and possible student’s exchange […]

Lecture of Sir Leen la Riviere (The Netherlands) at the Academy

Sir Riviere from Continental Art Centre (Rotterdam) visited the Academy in January 20. As a partner within the the international project “National elements of European sacred art” he lectured on Social aspects of art, on the so-called added value of art in society when the rise of Christian religion pushes back the overall secularization […]

Presentation of books

Two books by Latvian Christian Academy were presented in December 8, 2009: „Proceedings of Latvian Christian Academy, Vol. 2” and Project presentation album „Intercultural Dialogue: National Elements of the European National Art”. Both books were made possible due to financial support of the EC and they mark the end of respective projects. Various aspects of […]

New book on Christian art

Project presentation album „Intercultural Dialogue: Sacred Elements of the European National Art” has been published by Latvian Christian Academy with the support of the Culture Programme of the European Union. Various trends of sacred art have been analyzed in Icon painting, graphics and modern painting, also tendencies in different Christian confessions are described. The book […]

ERASMUS success story at LChrA

Students involved in the ERASMUS exchange programme were gathered by the Latvian Christian Professional Education Association in October 6 in order to share their „success stories”. ERASMUS Exchange programme builds bridges between Universities in different countries, get people closer to each other and implements common thinking within the European cultural context. The meeting was followed […]

EZA conference on the integrated education, September 10-13, 2009

The 21st conference of EZA (European Center for Workers’ Questions) titled „Integrated education” was held in Trnovo, Slovakia, September 10-13, 2009. Challenges for school education, professional schooling and higher education were analyzed. Main speech was presented by the member of Austrian Parliament Mr. V.Ammon. Rector of Latvian Christian academy Dr. Skaidrīte Gūtmane presented an insight […]

Beginning of the new academic year

Traditionally the beginning of the new school year in Latvia is scheduled for September 1. It was celebrated at the Latvian Christian Academy with prayer for the blessed start, introductory speeches by the Rector and teaching staff and, of course, with brilliance of the September flowers. The actual beginning of lectures and seminars is scheduled […]

Diploma works defended in the Bible Art Department

In June 15 Diploma works – icons and graphic – were presented for final evaluation. Icons by K.Šmidhens and A.Kuzņecova were painted under direct supervision of well-known Icon painter G.Mironov who held two sessions at the Academy during the last academic year. The member of the Evaluation committe Fr. Jānis Dravants emphasized that both icons […]

Diploma works defense session

In June 9 – 15 Bachelor and Professional qualification works were defended by students of Theology, Social charity work and Public relations study programmes. Topics marked initiatives of LChrA after Changes in the Law of Social services have been accepted by Latvian Government earlier this year and Social charity work gained equal status with regular […]