
Day of social dialogue with Baltic experts in the LChrA in November 9

The seminar was held with financial support of European Commission and it had twofold goals: to analyze the new Latvian Government’s Declaration from the perspective of Lisabon strategy and to discuss the job policy in Europe and the place of Latvia in it. Seminar participants welcomed the former Eurocomisar Mr Partho Pronk – curator of […]

Accreditation expertise at the Academy

Commission of experts from the centre of the Higher Education Quality Assurance worked at the LChrA in October 21 – 22. The Commission was led by prof. J.Zaļkalns (Riga Stradiņš University), members – prof. T. Lehtsaar (University of Tartu), prof. R.Kokins, dean of the Faculty of Theology, Latvian University, and representative of Latvian Students’ Concil […]

Guests from Mullsjö Folkhögskola

Young artists led by Pär Gunnarsson from Mullsjö Folkhögskola (Sweden) visited Latvian Christian Academy in October 13. Mullsjö Folkhögskola is a long-term partner of the Academy in several international projects. [nggallery id=59]

Beginning of the new school year

The new school year at the Latvian Christian Academy started with prayer in the Chapel in September 13. Rector of the Academy prof. S.Gūtmane emphasized special attitude of the Academy to knowledge – for us it means reaching for something more than just mundane life, knowledge inseparably tied to the Truth found and revealed in […]

14th congress of RENOVABIS in September 2-4

Rector of the LChrA prof. S.Gūtmane and project manager B.Soloveja attended the 14th congress of German Catholic organization RENOVABIS in Freising, Germany, September 2-4. The main theme of the Congress was “Ecology in Central and Eastern Europe”. The Mass was conducted by the the just-introduced Archbishop of Roman Catholic Church in Latvia HE Z.Stankēvičs. Among […]

Parliament session held at the Academy

The outgoing session of the Committee of Social and employment matters of the Latvian Parliament was held in Latvian Christian Academy in June 18, governed by the Chairman Mrs. Aija Barča (Doctor Honoris Causa). The potential of educators for further development of the State and further cooperation between the Academy, State institutions and the Church […]

Seminar on employment strategy

Seminar „European employment strategy: Analyzing the local dimension of Lisbon Strategy implementation for improvement more and new jobs in Latvia” was held in Latvian Christian Academy, May 18-19. Report on “Christian social engagement and methodological questions in current Latvian social / political situation” was presented by Dr. Skaidrīte Gūtmane, Rector of LChrA. Members of Latvian […]

Social work research council at LCHRA

Social work research board of representatives from different universities visited LChrA in April 29 where Rector S.Gūtmane presented the concept of caritative (Christian) social work methodology offered by the Academy. After discussion specialists exchange their views on possible cooperation within the frame of social work study programmes. [nggallery id=65]

Acquaintance with French Christian social initiatives

Vice-president of the French Christian social organization „Semaines Sociales de France” Mr. Bernard Chenevez visited Latvian Christian academy in March 10. Mr. Chenevez represents also the French-German Christian Social cooperation organization „Initiative of Christians for Europe”. He got acquianted with the Academy and discussed plans for further cooperation in both research and possible student’s exchange […]

Lecture of Sir Leen la Riviere (The Netherlands) at the Academy

Sir Riviere from Continental Art Centre (Rotterdam) visited the Academy in January 20. As a partner within the the international project “National elements of European sacred art” he lectured on Social aspects of art, on the so-called added value of art in society when the rise of Christian religion pushes back the overall secularization […]