
Meeting with rector of Tallinn Theological university

In October 25, 2013, rector of Tallin Theological university, pastor of Estonian ev.luth. Church prof. Ove Sanders visited Latvian Christian academy and met its rector prof. Skaidrīte Gūtmane. Both heads of universities discussed guidelines for possible cooperation on future – exchange of lecturers and making of the research consortium. The meeting was wrapped in the […]

Agreement of mutual cooperation with Klaipeda University

In October 30, 2013,  prof. E.Aciene and prof. I.Dirgeliene from Klaipeda University (Lithuania) visited Latvian Christian academy on behalf of the rector of KU. Discussions with rector of Latvian Christian academy prof. S.Gūtmane were focused on agreement of mutual cooperation between universities – making of consortium for research in caritative social work, social entrepreneurship, joint […]

Evaluation of the master study programme “Biblical art”

In October 23-24, 2013, evaluation of the Master study programme “Biblical art” was held at Latvian Christian academy by experts’ team of the Ministry of Education of Science. The study direction “Arts” has been accredited for maximum duration till 2019 earlier in May 2013. The Master study programme received very high estimation due to “high […]

CARITAS meeting in Riga

In September 28, 2013, volunteers of the Roman Catholic Church met in a seminar held by “CARITAS Latvia”. CARITAS ministers to orphans, sick and disabled people, and the elderly; the ministry is rooted in Social teaching of the Roman Catholic Church. The meeting was attended by rector of LCA prof. S.Gūtmane and G.Dišlers with introductory […]

Beginning of the new academic year

The new academic year was started at Latvian Christian academy with prayer and cheerful meeting of students and teachers in September 16. New students have applied for studies in all accredited study programmes – “Theology”, “Caritative social work” and “Biblical art” (Bachelor and Master degrees). Another study programme in “Social entrepreneurship” (Master) has been launched […]

A new book for kids

A new book for kids has been published, “Saving piggy”, written by former student of the Academy Juta Jurēvica. Illustrations have been prepared by the student of the Art department of the Academy Lāsma Ģeņģe. Congratulations!

Online education in Spain

Attention! This is practical information for those willing to apply for online studies „Social community law and social dialogue” in San Antonion of Murica Catholic Univertsity (ES). The fees for EU citizens coming through EZA („Euiropean Center for Workers’ Questions”, DE) are 2800 EUR. The language is English. Please address to Study departmenbt of LChrA […]

Study direction “Social welfare” accredited for 6 years

In July 3, 2013, Accreditation committee of Latvian Ministry of Education and Science awarded 6 years accreditation (till 2019) to the study direction “Social welfare” at Latvian Christian academy. The study direction comprises four study programmes: Caritative social work (professional bachelor), Caritative social work (professional master), Social work (2nd level professional study programme for those who have […]

Study direction „Arts” accredited for 6 years

In June 3, 2013, Accreditation committee of Latvian Ministry of education and science awarded 6 years accreditation (till 2019) to the study direction “Arts” at Latvian Christian academy. The study direction comprises two academic study programmes: that of Bachelor of humanities in arts and Master of humanities in arts.

Study direction “Theology” accredited for 6 years

In May 22, 2013, Accreditation committee of Latvian Ministry of Education and Science awarded 6 years accreditation (till 2019) to the study direction “Theology” at Latvian Christian academy. The direction comprises two academic study programmes: that of Bachelor in theology and religious science and Master in theology and religious science.