
New monograph “Supervision in Latvia”

In June 26, 2020, monograph “Supervision in Latvia” was officially opened. The book contains theoretical essays on Supervision as well as analysis of practical experience. Editor-in-Chief of the monograph Maija Zakričevska-Belogrudova, Dr.Psych., emphasized that the iniative to create professional standard for Supervisors was initiated by Prof. Skaidrīte Gūtmane, Rector of Latvian Christian academy. Academicians and prpofessionals in the field attended the event. Monograpg “Supervision in Latvia” is published by high school RISEBA.

Online EZA seminar for Partners on Communication and Social Media

In order to be qualified for the new Covid-19 situation when meetings and conferences are held online, EZA (European Center for Workers’ Questions) organized online instructing seminar and sharing between partners. Latvian Christian academy was represented by Guntis Dišlers. Our Academy is preparing itself for the first EZA online international seminar at the end of May.

International EZA seminar on Life-Long Learning in the Baltic States and EU

In May 21-23, 2020, Latvian Christian academy hosted international seminar “Life-Long Learning for Increasing Labour Participation and Inclusive Work-Life in the Baltic States against the Background of Other EU countries”. The seminar was organized in cooperation with European Center for Workers’ Questions (EZA, Germany). Due to Civid-19 restrictions only speakers from the Baltic States were able to travel, whereas all participants and speakers from Germany and Poland were connected via ZOOM. The seminar was introduced by Mrs Sigrid Schraml, Secretary General of EZA. Among the speakers were H.U.Nordhaus ( EZA expert from German Trade Union Federation DGB), Agnieszka Piasecka-Robak (University of Lower Silesia, Wroclaw, Poland), Elvyra Aciene (Klaipeda University, Honorary president of Association of Lithuanian Social Work Universities, Lithuania), Aimar Altosaar (President of “The Golden League” NGO, Estonia), Pēteris Krīgers (member of (European Economic and Social Committee), Baiba Rivža (Vice-president of Latvian Academy of Sciences), Sarmīte Pīlāte (Director Latvian Adult Education Association, Latvia). The seminar was hosted by Skaidrīte Gūtmane, Rector of Latvian Christian academy.

Seminar on Ecotheology and Humanities from Methodology Perspective

Interdisciplinary research seminar for students on “Climate Changes Europe-2030 and Humanities” was held in May 2020. Lecturers and researchers of Latvian Christian Academy and Interdisciplinary Research Institute intrudeced the audience with the use and benefits of the innovative Integrative Theology methodology.

International EZA seminar (using ZOOM)

Important for all students and educators!
Latvian Christian academy in cooperation with EZA (European Center for Workers’ Questions, EC – Germany) hosts international seminar “Life-Long learning for Increasing Labour Participation and Inclusive Work-Life in the Baltic States against the Background of the Other EU Countries” will be hosted by Latvian Christian academy in May 21-23, 2020.
Key topics of the seminar:
Life-long learning in Latvia and Europe after Covid-19? Why life-long learning matters? Why European Commission has emphasized the issue in the context of formal and non-formal education? What are criteria for that type of education?
Experts in higher education and life-long learning from
Germany, Poland, Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia will be speakers at the seminar.

Head of the Riga City Municipality Wefare dept. – member of the Editorial board of Scientific Proceedings of LChrA

Head of the Riga City Municipality Welfare departament Mrs. Irēna Kondrāte was elected as member of the Editorial board of Scientific Proceedings of Latvian Christian Academy, Vol. 6: “Client and human dignity”. Mrs. Kondrāte represents organisation of employers for graduates of LChrA. k

Zentralkomitee der deutschen Katholiken and Semaines Sociales de France have published a Declaration on the 70th anniversary of the Schuman Declaration on 9th May

Latvian Christian academy is member of the Semaines Sociales de France think-tank IXE-group. This organization is guided by recognition of common European values which were put in writing by on the European Founding Fathers Robert Schumann (1886-1963). Commemorating 70 years of the Schuman Declaration on 9th May “Zentralkomitee der deutschen Katholiken: and SSF have published Declaration available here.

R.Schumann insisted that joint labors of European citizens must be aimed at solidarity since only then we can work for peace and well-being in our continent. “The spirit of EU is a spirit of solidarity,” R.Schumann wrote, adding: “national activities should be taken within the context of interpersonal, international and global context.”
Consequently, individual attitudes must be changed and Christian social teaching must be used as foundation to promote respect and protection of every person for the benefit of common well-being.


Who will turn the stone away from the grave? How an Angel dare to say: “Be not afraid”? – A logical question for whole liberal world thinking today. SURE, it is pure logics! Can the night share more light than a day? How can it be? Can soul be filled with unspoken joy?
Ancient Christians never called their faith “religion”, the word sounds defiant. Christian is NOT RELIGION, it is LIVINIG EXPERIENCE OF RESURRECTION OF CHRIST.
Therefore Easter is not just a festival which will pass. No! Easter is an opportunity to enter the KIngdom of God already now, while you here on Earth. It is a source of strength and transformed life.”
The beauty of of Christ is terrifying,” said Russian writer Boris Pasternak, “Beauty of Humility and Love which will bring wisdom ‘CHRIST IS RISEN in your mundane life.”


Due to Covid-19 pandemia Ministry of Science and Education of Latvia has made changes in the accreditation schedule for all study branches POSTPONING THE PROCESS: “Social Welfare” – till December 31, 2021; “Arts” – till December 31, 2022; “Theology” – till December 31, 2022.

International seminar for students on “European Sacred Art Heritage for Social Europe of Hope”

An international seminar (online) for students “European Sacred Art Heritage for Social Europe of Hope” was hosted by Latvian Christian Academy in March 20, 2020. Art department students presented four reports which won special Award in the Competition “Best Research paper in 2019”. The seminar was attended by Klaipeda Art College (LT), Orthodox Academy of Crete (GR) with presentations on Ecology issues reflected in Art.