An international conference related to completion of the NORDPLUS HORIZONTAL project “Teens Without Screens: Developing Tools for School Interaction Through Arts” was held in June 7 – 8, 2022. The project run was 2 years and it was coordinated by European Christian Academy partnering with network of Finnish Universities of Applied scinces, Lahti College students’ […]
NORDPLUS project conference
Support Ukraine!
Now when Russian aggression causes immense suffering of people in Ukraine where blood is spilled, Latvian Christian Academy has started charity campaign to help refugees from Ukraine. Also Latvian Christian Academy invites people to pray for vicory of justice in places where people are killed and humiliated.
New publications in Social work with youth
Two new books were published for the interuniversities strategic partnerships project in Social work education “Social Professions for Supporting Youth in European Solidarity Context” – Handbook and and Reader for Social work students and treachers who work with youth. Among others there are prof. Skaidrīte Gūtmane, assist. prof. Guntis Dišlers and lect. Valters Dolacis. The […]
Article about st. Macarius the Great
An introductory article about st. Macarius the Great (4th cent.) and his “Spiritual Homilies” as important monument of ancient ascteticism was published in prestigious Latvian philosophers www page TELOS. Here is the link (text in Latvian). Basic conceps of asceticism are described within the Christian theology context.
TEENS WITHOUT SCREENS partners’ meeting in Finland
Partners of the international NORDPLUS project “Teens Without Screens” held annual meeting in Lahti and Helsinki (FInland). Partners are from Latvia, Lithuania and Finland. Latvian Christian Academy is coordinating institution of the project. Latvian Christian Academy was represented by the Chairman of the LChrA Senate Mr. Ervīns Butkēvičs.