Work”. The article presents interdisciplinary approach to social work theory and practice stemming from the Biblical Judeo-Christian anthropology. It is practically useful view on the unique potentials of social work in modern risk society. Academic editor of the Proceedings is
Article about st. Macarius the Great
An introductory article about st. Macarius the Great (4th cent.) and his “Spiritual Homilies” as important monument of ancient ascteticism was published in prestigious Latvian philosophers www page TELOS. Here is the link (text in Latvian). Basic conceps of asceticism are described within the Christian theology context.
TEENS WITHOUT SCREENS partners’ meeting in Finland
Partners of the international NORDPLUS project “Teens Without Screens” held annual meeting in Lahti and Helsinki (FInland). Partners are from Latvia, Lithuania and Finland. Latvian Christian Academy is coordinating institution of the project. Latvian Christian Academy was represented by the Chairman of the LChrA Senate Mr. Ervīns Butkēvičs.
Latvian Christian Academy among the seven best universities in Latvia!
Latvian Christian Academy was chosen among the best Universities on global scale! Thease are GREAT news for our students, teachers and International Supporting Comittee. “U-Multirank” is a multidimensional, user-driven approach to international ranking of higher education institutions. It compares the performances of higher education institutions – in short: universities – in the five dimensions of university activity: (1) teaching and learning, (2) research, (3) knowledge transfer, (4) international orientation and (5) regional engagement. The “U-Multirank” web tool enables comparisons at the level of the university as a whole and at the level of specific study programmes.