
Graduates from Latvian Christian academy awarded

Graduates from Latvian Christian academy have been noted and awarded for excellency in their professional field. Mrs. Eva Viļķina (“Social Entrepreneurship”, Master degree) was awarded as “Pride of Latvia” in late 2018; Mrs. Ārija Martukāne (“Caritative social work”, Master degree) was decorated with the Three Stars Order in May, 2019. Also highly professional qualification of graduates has been noted by Latvian media and society.

New book by Guntis Dišlers

Monograph “Towards the other Land” (“Uz citu zemi”) by Guntis Dišlers was published in July, 2019. The book deals with much-debated move of Latvian peasants from the Lutheran denomination into Orthodoxy in mid-19thy century in Latvia. The move is seen from various perspectives – economical, political, spiritual and psychological. Although the move is much-debated, it’s not been covered often in Latvian historiography. List of available literature in three languages is provided along with photographs.

Icon Painting Summer School – August 2019!

Latvian Christian Academy in AUGUST 19-25, 2019, organizes SUMMER SCHOOL IN ICON PAINTING, in which there is possibility to go through all phases of Icon painting – starting with the preparation of Icon board until the final varnish of ready painting. Summer School provides theoretical and practical basis of canonical Icon painting.
Date and venue: August 19-25, in Jūrmala (Latvia), Bulduri (address: Vienības prospekts 23), in the premises of Latvian Christian Academy.
Training fee: 250 EUR + materials.

EZA seminar “Fairness: Development of new forms of work, self-employment and social protection in EU countries. Future of Work: Changes in Labour Relations” at Latvian Christian academy

Latvian Christian academy is partnering with EZA (European Center for Workers’ Questions, EC-Germany) since 2004 and hosts international seminars on topical issues of the European Social Agenda annually. Topic of the seminar held May 23-25, 2019, titled “Future of Work: Changes in Labour Relations”. We thank all participants of the seminar” Jelena Soms (EZA-Lithuania), prof. […]

Welcome to the EZA seminar at Latvian Christian academy!

Dr.oec., Oļegs Krasnopjorovs (Chief Economist of Monetary Policy Department, Bank of Latvia), Mr. Aimar Altosaar, President of NGO “The Golden League” (Estonia), Dr., prof. Elvyra Aciene, Klaipeda University, President of Association of Lithuanian Social Work Universities (Lithuania), Mrs. Lidija Dārziņa, Analyist of legal acts of the Latvian Government official publisher “Latvijas Vēstnesis” (“Herald of Latvia”), […]

On Narrative therapy in Caritative social work – publication in TILTAI BRIDGES, Klaipeda University

Internationally peer-reviewed proceedings of Klaipeda University (Lithuania) TILTAI / BRIDGES, 2018, Nr. 3(81) has published article by Gunts Dišlers at LChrA “Discovering the meaning of the Narrative therapy in the Caritative social work context” (DOI: They who have attended seminars at the Academy already are familiar with the potential of the method in […]

Rector of LChrA meets Rector of Rector of the Ferghan State University

Rector of Latvian Christian academy prof. Skaidrite Gūtmane met Rector of the Ferghan State University dr., prof. R.Maksudov in April 27, 2019. Possible cooperation between both Universities within the ERASMUS+ program frame was discussed. Prof. R.Maksudov was impressed by the student-oriented study model at the Academy and the quality assurance procedure following requirements of EC […]

Rector of LChrA prof. Skaidrīte Gūtmane – member and expert of Council of professors of Klaipeda University (Lithuania)

In April 10, 2019, Senate of Klaipeda University (Lithuania) elected Rector of Latvian Christian academy prof. Skaidrīte Gūtmane as a member and expert of its Council for election of professors.

IXE-group has published Call for Action due to Europarliament elections

At the end of February, 2019. think-tank IXE-group of Semainers Sociales de France has published “Call for Acrion” before Europarliament elections in May this year. The Call was signed by various partners of the IXE-group, also by Latvian Christian academy. In the photo – meeting of IXE-group in Latvian Christian academy, October, 2017 (Chairman of […]

Mr. George van Durtanosky (Germany, The Netherlands) awarded with the Honorary Degree of Latvian Christian academy

Mr. George van Durtanosky (Germany, The Netherlands) was awarded with the Honorary Degree of Latvian Christian academy (DrHC) at the open Senate meeting in October 4, 2018. Latvian Christian academy has been privileged to welcome Mr van Durtanosky – Calligrapher and specialist in Medieval illuminated manuscripts – since 2013; he has held Master classes for […]