
Article on Caritative social work by prof. S.Gūtmane – in Lithuania

Work”. The article presents interdisciplinary approach to social work theory and practice stemming from the Biblical Judeo-Christian anthropology. It is practically useful view on the unique potentials of social work in modern risk society. Academic editor of the Proceedings is

Article about st. Macarius the Great

An introductory article about st. Macarius the Great (4th cent.) and his “Spiritual Homilies” as important monument of ancient ascteticism was published in prestigious Latvian philosophers www page TELOS. Here is the link (text in Latvian). Basic conceps of asceticism are described within the Christian theology context.

TEENS WITHOUT SCREENS partners’ meeting in Finland

Partners of the international NORDPLUS project “Teens Without Screens” held annual meeting in Lahti and Helsinki (FInland). Partners are from Latvia, Lithuania and Finland. Latvian Christian Academy is coordinating institution of the project. Latvian Christian Academy was represented by the Chairman of the LChrA Senate Mr. Ervīns Butkēvičs.

Latvian Christian Academy among the seven best universities in Latvia!

Latvian Christian Academy was chosen among the best Universities on global scale! Thease are GREAT news for our students, teachers and International Supporting Comittee. “U-Multirank” is a multidimensional, user-driven approach to international ranking of higher education institutions. It compares the performances of higher education institutions – in short: universities – in the five dimensions of university activity: (1) teaching and learning, (2) research, (3) knowledge transfer, (4) international orientation and (5) regional engagement. The “U-Multirank” web tool enables comparisons at the level of the university as a whole and at the level of specific study programmes.

Another discussion about the Istanbul Convention at the Academy

Another discussion on Istanbul Convention was held at the Academ in September 13, 2021 – its problematics, about agression against women and other issues related to social work in the context of the Convention. Discussion was attended by students of Caritative and Social work, Supervison, head of the Students’ Council Edīte Dzelme. Discussion was moderated […]

Journal for professional Social work development

Ministry of Welfare has launched new journal aimed at professional development of social workers “Social Work in Latvia” (“Sociālais darbs Latvijā”). The journal is published within the social work development project. the first issue of the journal offers article by Rector of European Christian Academy prof. Skaidrīte Gūtmane “Transforming attitude to a client: anthropological and […]

International EZA seminar at Latvian Christian Academy

Annual international seminar “Young qualified workers: empowerment and participation strategies in the Baltic States and EU” will be held in May 27-29, 2021. The seminar will deal with the importance of qualification for young workers for themselves and their integration and further development in the labour market, but also for social development. A key question is what steps are necessary to integrate young people successfully and sustainably into the new world of work – also taking into account the effects of the coronavirus pandemic. The employability of young people is seen as a cornerstone of social development. Particular attention is paid to the digital economy and new business models resulting from it which require special knowledge and skills. The seminar will host experts from Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Link to EZA webpage.

Annual “Welfare Day”

Annual “Social Welfare Day” gathers both graduates and students from Social work and Caritative social work study programs, currently in May 19, 2021. Program: discussion about the role and prestige of social worker’s profession and criteria for its effectiveness. Disucssion was moderated by the head of Association of the Professional Christian Social Workers Mrs. Aina Āriņa. The question was: how to follow requirements of the Law of Social services with regards to Caritative social work and how employers evaluate the performance quality of graduates?

Meeting with EZA experts at the Academy

Meeting with experts from EC-EZA (European Center for Workers’ Questions) was held at the Academy in May 13, 2021. Modual study programs were discussed with reference to experience of the University of Leuven aiming at consortial master study program “Specialist in Community Work and European Social Dialogue” (working title). From the EZA side – former Secretary General, DrHC Roswith Gottbehut (DE) and Mr. Bruno Machiels (BE), from the Academy – former Secretary General of LBAS (Latvian Free Trade Unions Ass.) Dr.HC Pēteris Krīgers, ass. prof. Lāsma Līcīte-Ķurbe and assist. prof. Juris Jefuni.

On transforming attitude towards client in Social work practice

Journal for Social work development “Sociālais darbs Latvijā” [“Social work in Latvia’] (Nr. 1, 2021) has published an article by Rector of Latvian Christian academy prof. Skaidrīte Gūtmane “Transforming attitude towards client: An experience of the Antioch anthropological and theolocial school”. The publication presents the concept of the Academy as rooted in the Christian Church heritrage. Link to the publication here (in Latvian, annotated in English, PDF).