
LChrA partnering in the international interuniversities cooperation project

Starting from 2019 Latvian Christian academy participates in the international interuniversities cooperation project “Social professions for supporting youth empowerment in European solidarity context ( 2019-1-PL01-KA203-065091)”. Other partners of the project are Klaipeda University (LT), Malmoe University (SE), Warsaw University (PL) and Byelostok University (PL). Rector of LChrA prof. Skaidrīte Gūtmane is coordinator of the cooperation.

Rector of LChrA – member of the Ministry of Welfare work group

Rector of Latvian Christian Academy prof. Skaidrite Gūtmane was accepted in the group of inter-institutional experts working on actualization of the “Standard of the Social work profession” in Latvia. Prof. S.Gūtmane was member also of the former MW experts’ group working on the Social work profession standard (approved in 2010).

Calligraphic Transcript of the Preamble of Latvian Constitution presented to the National Library in its Centenary

Students of the Bible Art programme together with their teacher George van Durtanosky, DrHC of Latvian Christian Academy (Macedonia – Germany) and Rector of the Academy prof. Skaidrīte Gūtmane presented calligraphic transript of the Preamble of Latvian Constitution to the Latvian National Library and its director Mr. Andris Vilks in September 17, 2019.

Glocalisation congress in Cologne: Focus on Social Work Education

International Congress “Social Glocalisation” was held in September 19-21, 2019, in Cologne (Germany). The term “glocalization” describes mutual interaction between global and local initiatives in Social work research and education on a worldwide scale. The Congress gathered wide spectrum of specialists from Germany, Belgium, Czech Republic, USA, India, Japan, Ukraine, Iran, African countries. The congress was addressed by Cardinal Tucson, well-known experts in Human rights, education professionals. Rector of Latvian Christian academy prof. Skaidrite Gūtmane presented “Initiative of Caritative Social work in Latvia”, causing great interest and willing to share and exchange contacts. More information about the congress here.

ERASMUS+ in Bethlehem University

Teacher at Biblical Arts study programme Beata Soloveja worked in Bethlehem University (Palestine) within the ERASMUS+ personnel teaching mobility, September 16-19, 2019. She hosted Art therapy master-class for both students and teachers of the Social work programme. Added value: inter-universities agreement between Latvian Christian academy and Bethlehem Icon center.

ERASMUS+ in Bethlehem University

In September 16-20, 2019, Alexander Shabelnik from the Biblical Art study programme at Latvian Christian academy worked in Bethlehem University (Palestine), hosting master-class “The use of the Church art in education of social workers”.

Beginning of the New study year!

The new study year at Latvian Christian academy was started in September 9, 2019, with new students in all study programmes – Social and Caritative social work, Theology, Bible art, Supervision. We welcome new students from abroad – Iceland, USA, China, Russia and Greece! Also e-studies are offered by the Academy to those who prefer studies from abroad.

Dr.habil, Bogdan-Mihai Iovu from Romania lecturing at LCA

Dr.habil., Bogdan-Mihai Iovu from Babes-Bolyai University (Cluj-Napoka, Romania) was lecturing on “Children rights and Society” against vast European legislation background, September 16-20, 2019. Lectures were adressed to all students of Social work and Caritative social work. See him in picture on the right!

Lecturer from Bethlehem University

Lecturer from Bethlehem University (Palestine) Mrs. Naila Muslekh visited Latvian Christian Academy in September 16-20, 2019, lecturing on “The Hierarchy Model in Community work with families in Palestine: Hierarchy and Social Time”. The lecture was addressed to the teaching staff and the final stage of students.

Conference on Sacred Art Heritage in Riga city environment

Academic conference on “Sacred Art heritage in the city environment, monuments and memorial places in Riga and Europe: Experience, practice and conclusions” was held in Riga, September 12-13, 2019. Priest. Jānis Dravants, lecturer at Latvian Christian academy, took part with presentation about “Symbols of the Orthodox Church in the Riga city environment”.