Social work

EC-EZA General Assembly in Sofia

EC-EZA (“European Center for Workers’ Questions”) was held in Sofia, Bulgaria, November 9-13, 2023. Its topic was “European Social Dialogue”. European Christian Academy is partnering with EZA since 2004 and was represented by Rector prof. Skaidrīte Gūtmane and ass. prof. Guntis Dišlers. They took active part in panel discussions.

International seminar dedicated to Caritative social work

A 3-days international seminar dealing with problems of Caritative social work was held in October 31 – November 2, 2023. Following topics were discussed: 1) inter-cultural communication and role of values in the development of Caritative social work in the 21 century; 2) practice of the Caritative social work education in different countries; 3) research […]

Positive evaluation of ther NORDPLUS HE project

The Academy has received positive evaluation of the NORDPLUS HE 2023 project “WE-THINK: Accelerating Social Entrepreneurship for Sustainability”. The project is executed by the inter-universities consortium platform “WE-THINK” consisting of ECA (head of the consortium). VID University (Norway) and Klaipeda University (Lithuania). The goal of the consortium is to create master study program due to […]

Rector of ECA – member of the editorial board at Semmelweis University Proceedings

Editorial board and Senate of the Institute of Mental Health at Semmelweis University (Hungary) prolonged the term of being the member of the Board for rector prof. Skaidrīte Gūtmane from European Christian Academy for another 5 years term. Prof. Skaidrīte Gūtmane has been operating as member of the Editorial Board already since 2016.

Meeting with NGO leaders from Israel

Meeting with NGO leaders from Israel was organized by Embassy of Israel in Latvia, July 3, 2023. The meeting was held within the ERASMUS network promoting further development of Social work, Caritative social work and Bible art studies.

Meeting of Council for cooperation between specialists in social work

Meeting of Council for cooperation between specialists in social work was held at the Ministry of Welfare, Latvia, in March 6, 2023. Rector of the Academy prof. Skaidrīte Gūtmane attended the meeting.

Meeting with prof. Dr. theol. habil. Dr. phil. Dr. h.c. Klaus Kießling

Prof. Dr. theol. habil. Dr. phil. Dr. h.c. Klaus Kießling visited European Christian Academy in May 19-21, 2023. Prof. Kiessling is co-author of the Caritative social work study program at the Academy. He is Head of the Chair for Religious pedagogy and Pastoral psychology at Sankt Georgen University (Germany), long-term Secretary General of the worldwide […]

Discussion between social workers and diacons in Utrecht

Discussion between European social workers and deacons in the Church setting was held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, in May 10-11, 2023. Participants came from European Christian Academy, DIAK (University of Applied Sciences, Finland), IDC (International Deaconate Center, Germany), ESWRA (European Conference for Social Work Research), Babes-Bolyai University (Romania). Participants discussed possible development of a joint […]

EC-EZA seminar at the Academy

25.-27. maijā, 2023, Akadēmijā norisinās starptautisks EK-EZA (Eiropas Centrs Strādājošo Jautājumos) seminārs “Sociālais dialogs un ražošanas attiecības Baltijas valstīs un citās ES valstīs Eiropas Sociālo tiesību kontekstā”. Paredzētas diskusijas un darbnīcas. Tēma nozīmīga sociālajiem darbiniekiem, karitatīvajiem sociālajiem darbiniekiem, makro līmeņa speciālistiem.

Students from St. Ignatius Loyola University of Applied Sciences

In April 10-22, 2023, seventeen students from St. Ignatius Loyola University of Applied Sciences attended intensive course to master piloting module “Audit of social servicess”, its goals and tasks. From Lithuanian side the course was managed by assist. prof. Egle Purvaneckaite and ass. prof. Laimute Anužiene. N