EZA seminar “Ready for AI? – The world of work in the upcoming revolution”

An international seminar “Ready for AI? – The world of work in the upcoming revolution” was held in Sofia, Bulgaria, November 23-24, 2023. Experts from various EU countries discussed topical issues related to AI and challenges for humanity in the fast changing situation across the globe. The seminar was introduced by President of EZA Luc Van Den Brande followed by presentations by Ivanka Shalapatova, (BU), Jörg Tagger (EC), Dimitar Velev (University of Nationaland World Economy), Ivailo Kalfin (EUROFOUND) and others. Topics were related to legislation issues and ethical aspects, development of skills and discrimination in the labor market etc. Significantly that Joseph Thouvenel (EZA Vice-President, President French Confederation of Christian workers Paris (CFTC)) discussed “Ethical, theological and anthropological questions regarding the impact of AI”. European Christian Academy was represented by prof. Skaidrīte Gūtmane, Rector of ECA, and Guntis Dišlers. European Christian Academy is parnner with EZA since 2004.