Social work

Graduates from ECA employed by the State Agency for Integration in Jūrmala

Several graduates from European Christian Academy are employed by the State Agency for Integration in Jūrmala – Maija Paņukova, Solvita Gernere-Alaine, Mārīte Miezīte, Arta Alliu. Senate of the Academy has received Letter of Appreciation from the Agency emphasizing their excellent performance. Head of the Agency Ilona Jurševska writes: “What I would like stress above other […]

Appreciation of the work done at the Academy and by prof. Skaidrīte Gūtmane

Rector of European Christian Academy prof. Skaidrite Gūtmane has received Letter of the Apostolic Blessing from Pope Francis, head of the Roman Catholic Church, in December 8, 2023. The Letter is an exclusive sign of appreciation after 30 years of both research and educational work carried out at the Academy since 1993, especially in the […]

Lectures by prof. Haim Weiss at the Academy

Prof. Haim Weiss from Beersheva University (Israel) is giving lectures for students in the social welfare field, Latvian social workers and to all professionals of helping professions interested in anthropological approach to issues of the risk society, November 29 – December 2, 2023. Professor Weiss is building his lectures on the concept of the Talmudic […]

Meeting of the Council for Cooperation Between Social Work Specialists at the Ministry of Welfare

In the Meeting of the Council in November 30, 2023, as. prof. Liesma Ose moderated discussion about the project of the Social work development future in Latvia and innovations. Prof. Skaidrīte Gūtmane joined the discussion.

Meeting of the NORDPLUS networking organization “WE-THINK” in Klaipeda University

Participants of the NORDPLUS netweorking organization “WE-THINK” gathered for meeting in Klaipeda University, November 27-29, 2023. Representatives from European Christian Academy (LV), Klaipeda University (LV) and VID-Specialized University (NO) joined to work out the Intensive course program for master degree students in social work and social entrepreneurship “Accelerating social entrpreneurship for social sustainability”.

“Baltic Info Days-2023” in Vilnius

ERASMUS+ coordinators gathered for “Baltic Info Days-2023” in Vilnius, Lithuania, in November 21-22, dealing with international dimension of the higher education. Development and implementation of innovative ideas through centralized actions in the higher education was preseneted by the Mr. German Bernal Rios (EC). Centralized actions aree carried out also by European Christian Academy. ECA was […]

EZA seminar “Ready for AI? – The world of work in the upcoming revolution”

An international seminar “Ready for AI? – The world of work in the upcoming revolution” was held in Sofia, Bulgaria, November 23-24, 2023. Experts from various EU countries discussed topical issues related to AI and challenges for humanity in the fast changing situation across the globe. The seminar was introduced by President of EZA Luc […]

Inter-universities’ meeting to discuss joint master study programs

Meeting with faculty from European Christian Academy (LV), St.Ignatius Loyola University of Applied Sciences (LT), VID-specialized University (NO) was held in November 14. 2023. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss piloting project for two joint master study programs: “Audit of social services” and “Accelerating Social Entrepreneurship”. Faculty members evaluated quality of the piloting […]

Study field works defense conference

In November 5, 2023, students of the Academy presented their field work results. Also representatives from the Welfare department of the Jurmala City municipality took part in the conference. Students heard encouraging and professionally motivated evaluations marked as “good”, “very good”, “excellent”. Chairman of the Senate as. prof. Ervīns Butkevics summarized recommendations of employers aimed […]

Meeting in Klaipeda University

Meeting with Rector of Klaipeda University (Lithuania) prof. Arturas Razdabauskas, prorector prof. Sonata Mačiulskyte and Head of the Social work Chair prof. Elvyra Aciene was held in November 14-17, 2023. Cooperation between the two universities and exchange of both teachers and teachers within the ERASMUS framework was discussed.