Several graduates from European Christian Academy are employed by the State Agency for Integration in Jūrmala – Maija Paņukova, Solvita Gernere-Alaine, Mārīte Miezīte, Arta Alliu. Senate of the Academy has received Letter of Appreciation from the Agency emphasizing their excellent performance. Head of the Agency Ilona Jurševska writes: “What I would like stress above other […]
Graduates from ECA employed by the State Agency for Integration in Jūrmala
Rector of LChrA prof. Skaidrīte Gūtmane at the Conference of social workers

Conference of social workers “Family in Centenary of Latvia” of the Jurmala city was held in March 16, 2018. Rector of Latvian Christian academy prof. Skaidrīte Gūtmane took part in it with presentation “Self-identity of man as precondition of Social work”.