Latvian Christian Academy was approved as coordinating institution of the consortial NORDPLUS HIGHER EDUCATION project “WE-THINK: ACCELERATING SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP FOR SOCIAL SUSTAINABILITY” (NPHE-2023/10257) (2023-2025). Consortial network and intensive course embraces Latvian Christian Academy, Kalipeda University (LT) and VID Specialized UNiversity (NO).
International cooperation
Celebrating 75 years of Israel in Riga
75th anniversary of the State of Israel were celebrated in Riga, April 20, 2023. Ambassador of Israel HE Sharon Rappoport-Palgi in her address in both Latvian and English reminded rich historical and cultural links between Latvia and Israel, and sincerely welcomed all invited guests. Rector of European Christian Academy prof. Skaidrīte Gūtmane greeted the Ambassador […]
Colleagues from Klaipeda University (Lithuania) visited Academy
Colleagues from Klaipeda University (Lithuania) – academic prorector prof. Sonata Mačiulskyte, prof. Rita Vaičekaskaute and prof. Elvyra Aciene from Chair of Social work visited the Academy. Several important questions were discussed: consortium for Doctoral studies in social work (in cooperation between the Academy, Klaipeda University and Lapland University, Finland); mobility of staff and students within the ERASMUS+ framework; lectures of prof. Rita Vaičekaskaute on social work methodology at European Christian Academy.
EC-EZA conference in Brussels
EC-EZA (“European Center for Workers’ Questions”) hosted conference on AI and new forms and policy of employment, and minimal wages, March 21-22, 2023. European Christian Academy was represented by prof. Skaidrīte Gūtmane, prof. Astra Danenfelte, as. prof. Guntis Dišlers.
Lectures on Babylonian Talmud by prof. Haim Weiss (Ben Gurion University, Israel)
In February 13-16, 2023, Christian Academy in cooperation with Israel Embassy in Latvia, Ambassador Mrs. Sharon Rappoport-Palgi, organized lectures on Anthropologcial questions in Babylonian Talmud, the most important text of Judaism by world-famous judaist prof. Haim Weiss (Ben-Gurion University in the Negev, Israel) at Aula Minor of University of Latvia.
Lectures attracted professionals from helping professions – social workers, social pedagogues, religious scientists historians of culture, policy makers.
One week intensive course opened up possibility to discuss modern issue of human identity crisis. The discussions were held in a very welcoming atmosphere, clarified many questions of modern philosophy and history of reveleation given to Jews.
European Christian Academy has cooperation agreement with Ben-Gurion University in the Negev and Centre of Jewish Studies.
By this we sincerely thank Israel Embassy in Latvia for making this event possible!
Meeting with prof. Preda from Babes-Bolyai University
Meeting with prof. Radu Preda from Babes-Bolyai University (Romania) was organized in the Byzantine Cabinet at European Christian Academy in February 12-14, 2023. Prof. Preda presented lecture “Personality: Interdisciplinary approach (psychology, theology, anthropology)”. The audience were students of the Theology study programs from ECA and other theological institutions, students of caritative social work, teachers from […]