The quadrennial General assembly of IDC (International Deaconate Center, Germany) was held in June 13-16 in Velehrad, where saints Cyril and Methodius are venerated for their mission in Slavonic world. Rector of LChrA prof. S.Gūtmane and G.Dišlers took part in it as full members. IDC deals with social ministry of the Christian Church, topical […]
International cooperation
Visit from Mullsjo Highschool (Sweden)
Students of the Art faculty from Mullsjo Highschool (MH) visited the Academy in October 18. Latvian Christian academy enjoys partnership with the MH already 18 years. Guests met icon painter A.Ērgle. Prof. P.Gunnarson and Rector of the Academy prof. S.Gūtmane discussed corporate cooperation within the frame of European culture project for 2013.
NORDPLUS administrative meeting in September 25-26, Tartu, Estonia
The 2nd phase of the international NORDPLUS project „Climate Symbols in Theology and Art”, administered by LChrA, was marked by the administrative meeting in Tartu, Estonia. Participants were introduced to the Proceedings of the Project, recently published by Latvian Christian Academy. G.Dišlers from the Academy thanked all contributors, characterized the contents of articles. Further steps […]
Visit of the vice-president of the SHUV Institute (Seattle, USA) Dr.theol., Dr. HC William Bell
Vice-president of the SHUV Institute (Seattle, USA) Dr.theol., Dr.HC William Bell visited Latvian Christian Academy in May 15-19. Dr. W.Bell has made substantial contribution to development of our international contacts overseas and has lectured several courses in theology. Part of the Scientific library of the Academy has been donated by his family, and Dr. W.Bell […]
Meeting with priest from the Norwegian Orthodox Church Fr. Olaf Peter Larseth
Priest from Norwegian Orthodox Church fr. Olaf Peter Larseth visited the Academy in March 27. He was accompanied by Mr. Steinar Bakken, who was active in organizing support from the Ris Congregation and Oslo Diakonia High School for Latvian Christian Academy in early nineties. In meeting with Rector of the Academy prof. S.Gūtmane they discussed […]
Course of lectures “Exegetical schools during Patristic Age”
A unique course of lectures for theologians is presented by visiting lecturer, fr. Alexander Shabelnik (Italy). All graduates of the Academy are welcomed (lectures are held every night from 6.00 PM; 8-16.02.2012.).
Conferring Doctor Honoris Causa to Rev. Jerald Borgie
Official ceremony of conferring honorary degree Doctor Honoris Causa to Rev. Jerald Borgie (Penasquitos Lutheran Church, San Diego, USA) was held following the decision of the Senate of the Academy in November 3. Rev. Jerald Borgie and Penasquitos Lutheran Church have substantially supported the Academy by investing in its theological concept. The Diploma was presented […]
Participation in the 3rd World Congress of Latvian Scientists
Rector of LChrA prof. S.Gūtmane and assist. prof. G.Dišlers attended the plenary session of the 3rd World Congress of Latvian Scientists „Science, society and national identity” and visiting session of the European Academy of Science and Art in the Rundâle palace, in October 24. Also G.Dišlers took part in the workshop „Changes of Latvian cultural […]