Biblical Art

Students’ conference on Biblical arts

We are approaching the end of the study year, and in May 20, 2024. the annual students’ conference at the Academy was held on “Semantics of the Church art”. Very interesting presentations – “Hierotopy and interior of the church building”, “Hierophany and hierotophy”, “Theory of perception of perspective by R.Raushenbach”, “Linear and reverse perspective”, “Proportion […]

Icon exhibition in Riga

Following Easter we are moving towards Pentecost day, often call the “birthday of Church”. Jesus says to His disciples: “But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you” (John ev. 14:26). Holy Spirit reminds […]

Meeting with President of Latvia

In April 20, 2023, President of Latvia met Rector of European Christian Academy prof. Skaidrīte Gūtmane and visiting prof. of the Academy, DrHC George v. Durtanossky, professor in Calligraphy and Paleography (Germany, Macedonia), head of SCRIPRORIUM at ECA. Prof. Durtanossky presented to the President the hand-written Preamble of Latvian Constitution, which is an excellent peace of art.


Due to COVID-19 pandemics our ERASMUS students from Greece are leaving. They spent almost a year with us – we will miss you!

Stamp commemorating “The Gospel from Jersika” presented

In August 22, 2020, Latvian Orthodox Church in cooperation with “Latvijas Pasts” and Latvian Christian academy presented postal stamp commemorating 750 years since the “Gospel from Jersika” was copied by Latvian Orthodox believer named Jurģis. It is the oldest known Gospel text from Latvia. The presentation was done in Riga Latvian Society House and was attended by President of Latvian Academy of Sciences Dr. Ojārs Spārītis, Director of Fundamental Library of Latvian University Dr. Venta Kocere, clergym artists and academics. Rector of Latvian Christian academy adressed the audience with extended history overview illuminating development of Orthodox Christianity in Latvia.

Icon Painting Summer School – August 2020!

Latvian Christian Academy in AUGUST 10-16, 2020, organizes SUMMER SCHOOL IN ICON PAINTING to go through all phases of Icon painting starting from preparation of the Icon board until the final varnish of the ready painting. Summer School provides theoretical and practical basis for canonical Icon painting.
Date and venue: August 10-16, in Jūrmala (Latvia), Bulduri (address: Vienības prospekts 23), in the premises of Latvian Christian Academy.
Training fee: 250 EUR + materials.

Online courses by Latvian Christian Academy

During summer months Latvian Christian academy team works hard on digitalization of its study courses for online needs in the fall semester. Special attention is paid to materials in Scriptology, Calligraphy, History of Metaphors, Cultural history of Europe, History of Ancient Images.

International seminar for students on “European Sacred Art Heritage for Social Europe of Hope”

An international seminar (online) for students “European Sacred Art Heritage for Social Europe of Hope” was hosted by Latvian Christian Academy in March 20, 2020. Art department students presented four reports which won special Award in the Competition “Best Research paper in 2019”. The seminar was attended by Klaipeda Art College (LT), Orthodox Academy of Crete (GR) with presentations on Ecology issues reflected in Art.

Master-class in Icon painting by Georgy Mironov

Master-class in Icon painting by splendid professional artist Georgy Mironov (Moscow) was held at the Academy for the Bible Art students, October 14-23, 2019. His icons are on display in many Orthodox Churches in Riga, Daugavpils and Jelgava, and his style has essentially influenced many Latvian young artists and Icon painters with his exquisite sense of color, nuanced line drawing and gorgeous gold shine. Latvian Christian academy was privileged to welcome G.Mironov for several sessions since 2008.

Calligraphic Transcript of the Preamble of Latvian Constitution presented to the National Library in its Centenary

Students of the Bible Art programme together with their teacher George van Durtanosky, DrHC of Latvian Christian Academy (Macedonia – Germany) and Rector of the Academy prof. Skaidrīte Gūtmane presented calligraphic transript of the Preamble of Latvian Constitution to the Latvian National Library and its director Mr. Andris Vilks in September 17, 2019.