Spiritual life

Spiritual life at European Christian academy is featured by:

  • Morning devotions at the Chapel at 9.40 AM,
  • Evening devotions at the Chapel at 18.00 PM,
  • Recollections on various topics of spiritual growth meeting students’ interests – every semester,
  • Meetings and discussions with clergy of traditional Christian Churches about the role of the Church in the life of society,
  • Theoretical seminar “Anthropology of hesychasm” in the last Thursday of each month (for both students and teachers),
  • Visits to Orthodox monasteries and holy places (to Crete, Estonia etc.).

On April 17, 2023, ECA lecturer Juris Jefuni delivered a lecture “The Emergence of a New Theological Agenda in Orthodoxy against the Background of the War in Ukraine”. The lecture was held on April 17th, 2023. Event was organized and was received with great interest by the students and public audience and became evident from the lively discussion that followed.

Alumni seminar on iconography today

Alumni seminar titled “Iconography in postmodern Latvia today” was hosted by Byzantine Cabinet at European Christian Academy in February 19, 2025. It was organized by former head of the Students’ Self Governement of the Academy Mrs. Aina Āriņa.

Annual International Deaconate Center conference in Rome

Annual IDC (“International Deaconate Center”) conference convened in Roma, February 23, 2025. DrHC, prof. Klaus Kiessling represented European Christian Academy. In picture: prof. K.Kiessling (left), Rector of ECA prof. Skaidrīte Gūtmane and prof. Terttu Pohjolainen (FI) in Rome before visiting Pope Francis in 2016.

Icon painted at ECrA in Germany

Icon of St. John of Riga painted on commission by the head of the Icon painting department at European Christian Academy Alevtīna Ērgle was consecrated and put up in a monastery of the German Orthodox Church.

Art exhibition of incoming ERAMUS students

Master class in calligraphy and textology for incoming ERASMUS students at European Christian Academy ended with exibition and awarded Certificates in December 13, 2024. Students expressed their gratitude satisfaction for encouraging and spiritually motivating work enivornment led by prof. George van Durtanossky (Germany) at the Academy and left with commitment to further and improve their […]

A step to sharing

International seminar “Iconography in modern world” was organized by Byzantine Cabinet at European Christian Academy in October 23, 2024. Topics were discussed: Icon in modern Liturgical context; Trusting Tradition in the art of Iconography (Fabio Hones, Italy); Mystical illiteracy in iconography today (George Rodes, Greece); Education of the canonical iconography on Bachelor and Master levels […]

Reception at Embassy of Israel

Embassy of Israel held official (and welcoming) reception in Riga Synagogue, June 18, 2024, commemorating anniversary of the State of Israel. ECA was represented by prof. Skaidrite Gūtmane and as. prof. Guntis Dišlers.

Precious memories and benefits from archaeological expeditions in the Holy Land

In May 27, 2024, we gathered in the “Byzantine cabinet” at the Academy around memories from archaeological expeditions in the Holy Land, started 30 years ago. It was in 1944 when staff and students of the Academy were invited to join unique archaeological expeditions first in Emmaus / Latroun followed by digs in Geshur. Expeditions […]

Icon exhibitions in Riga and Skulte

Society “Latvian Iconographers” gathers graduates from European Christian Academy, its core are twelve most gifted young artists. They have opened exibition in Skulte ev. lutheran Church in outskirts of Riga presenting diversity, harmony and beauty of Iconographic ornaments. Authors – Agnese Vasiļevska – also our teacher at the Academy, Evija Rudzīte – very talented and […]

Students’ conference on Biblical arts

We are approaching the end of the study year, and in May 20, 2024. the annual students’ conference at the Academy was held on “Semantics of the Church art”. Very interesting presentations – “Hierotopy and interior of the church building”, “Hierophany and hierotophy”, “Theory of perception of perspective by R.Raushenbach”, “Linear and reverse perspective”, “Proportion […]

Icon exhibition in Riga

Following Easter we are moving towards Pentecost day, often call the “birthday of Church”. Jesus says to His disciples: “But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you” (John ev. 14:26). Holy Spirit reminds […]