Latvian Christian Academy in AUGUST 10-16, 2020, organizes SUMMER SCHOOL IN ICON PAINTING to go through all phases of Icon painting starting from preparation of the Icon board until the final varnish of the ready painting. Summer School provides theoretical and practical basis for canonical Icon painting.
Date and venue: August 10-16, in Jūrmala (Latvia), Bulduri (address: Vienības prospekts 23), in the premises of Latvian Christian Academy.
Training fee: 250 EUR + materials.
Online courses by Latvian Christian Academy
During summer months Latvian Christian academy team works hard on digitalization of its study courses for online needs in the fall semester. Special attention is paid to materials in Scriptology, Calligraphy, History of Metaphors, Cultural history of Europe, History of Ancient Images.
New monograph “Supervision in Latvia”
In June 26, 2020, monograph “Supervision in Latvia” was officially opened. The book contains theoretical essays on Supervision as well as analysis of practical experience. Editor-in-Chief of the monograph Maija Zakričevska-Belogrudova, Dr.Psych., emphasized that the iniative to create professional standard for Supervisors was initiated by Prof. Skaidrīte Gūtmane, Rector of Latvian Christian academy. Academicians and prpofessionals in the field attended the event. Monograpg “Supervision in Latvia” is published by high school RISEBA.
Head of the Riga City Municipality Wefare dept. – member of the Editorial board of Scientific Proceedings of LChrA
Head of the Riga City Municipality Welfare departament Mrs. Irēna Kondrāte was elected as member of the Editorial board of Scientific Proceedings of Latvian Christian Academy, Vol. 6: “Client and human dignity”. Mrs. Kondrāte represents organisation of employers for graduates of LChrA. k