
LChrA Rector prof. Skaidrīte Gūtmane – presenting Caritative social work methodology for Kaunas Kolping College, Lithuania.

International symposium “Social inclusion: Perspective of inter-cultural social work” was held at Kaunas Kolping College of Applied sciences, Lithuania, in October 5, 2017. Rector of LChrA prof. Skaidrīte Gūtmane presented “Initiative of Caritative social work”.

European Integration development discussed in Siegburg, Germany.

Joint seminar of EZA (“European Center for Workers’ Questions”, Germany) and KSI (“Katholisch-Sozialen Institut”, Germany) was held in June 14-16, 2017, in Siegburg, Germany. The seminar was aimed at preparation of the next European Social Week and various issues of the European integration were debated – involvement of workers to promote European integration, social inclusion, […]

EZA seminar on Innovations and new Employment Trends in Latvia and the Baltic States.

The annual EC EZA (“European Center for Workers’ Questions”, Germany) seminar was held at Latvian Christian academy in June 8-9, 2017, titled “Quality jobs: From minimum wage to an innovation Economy and new employment Trends in the Baltic States in contrast to other European countries”. The innovations issue was analyzed against larger background of the […]

Priviledge to welcome Semaines Sociales de France think-tank IXE group in Latvia approved!

Meeting of the IXE think-tank group of the EC organization Semaines Sociales de France was held in March 24-26, 2017, in Versailles, France. The possible organization of the networking European Christian Convention was discussed for which the next meeting in scheduled in Berlin, May this year. Also the agenda fro the next SSF autumn session […]

Rector of LChrA prof. Skaidrīte Gūtmane attending audience with Pope Francis in Vatican.

In  June 4, 2017, an audience with Pope Francis was held for representatives of the International Deaconate Center (Germany) in the Apostolic palace, Vatican. In his address the President of IDC Dr. Klaus Kiessling – also Doctor Honoris Causa of Latvian Christian academy, actively involved in making of the Caritative social work study programme at […]

EZA seminar “Social Dialogue as a Precondition for Social Work Professionalization in the Baltic States”.

In May 26-27, 2016, an annual international EZA Seminar “Social Dialogue as a Precondition for Social Work Professionalization in the Baltic States” was held at Latvian Christian academy (supported by EC). The goal of the Seminar – in times when the paradigm of social work undergoes changes it is necessary to sketch more precisely borders […]

LChrA – member of Social Entrepreneurship Association of Latvia (SEAL).

In May 11, 2016, a discussion on further development of Social entrepreneurship education in Latvia was held at Center of social initiatives in Riga. Rector of LChrA prof. Skaidrite Gūtmane took part in it. Latvian Christian academy was accepted as a member of Social Entrepreneurship Association of Latvia (SEAL).  

Public lecture of Cardinal Pietro Parolin.

Public lecture of Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Secretary of the State of Vatican, was held in Great hall of Latvian University, May 12, 2016. Cardinal presented the Latvian edition of Encylic “Laudato si” and his visit marked 25th anniversary of the renewed diplomatic relations between Latvia and Holy See and 95th anniversary since Holy See has […]

Students and graduates of LCA gather for the “Cabinet of Byzantine Anthropology”!

In March 1 – April 1, 2016, Cabinet of the Byzantine Anthropology was opened at Latvian Christian academy, inviting those who are interested, both students and graduates from the Academy, four times a year for sessions in cooperation with well-known foreign academics. Byzantine anthropology attracts interest both among theologians, philosophers and anthropologists; books and articles […]

Lectures of prof. S. Horuzhy at LChrA, March 31 – April 1.

In March 31 – April 1, 2016, professor S.Horuzhy (Institute of Synergic Anthropology, Moscow) lectured at Latvian Christian academy following invitation of the Academy. Prof. S.Horuzhy is well known in international academic circles of philosophers and anthropologists, as well as Orthodox theologians. His topic in Jurmala was “Hesychasm: its genesis, philosophical context, historic developmehnt and […]