
Lectures on Babylonian Talmud by prof. Haim Weiss (Ben Gurion University, Israel)

In February 13-16, 2023, Christian Academy in cooperation with Israel Embassy in Latvia, Ambassador Mrs. Sharon Rappoport-Palgi, organized lectures on Anthropologcial questions in Babylonian Talmud, the most important text of Judaism by world-famous judaist prof. Haim Weiss (Ben-Gurion University in the Negev, Israel) at Aula Minor of University of Latvia.
Lectures attracted professionals from helping professions – social workers, social pedagogues, religious scientists historians of culture, policy makers.
One week intensive course opened up possibility to discuss modern issue of human identity crisis. The discussions were held in a very welcoming atmosphere, clarified many questions of modern philosophy and history of reveleation given to Jews.
European Christian Academy has cooperation agreement with Ben-Gurion University in the Negev and Centre of Jewish Studies.
By this we sincerely thank Israel Embassy in Latvia for making this event possible!

Meeting with prof. Preda from Babes-Bolyai University

Meeting with prof. Radu Preda from Babes-Bolyai University (Romania) was organized in the Byzantine Cabinet at European Christian Academy in February 12-14, 2023. Prof. Preda presented lecture “Personality: Interdisciplinary approach (psychology, theology, anthropology)”. The audience were students of the Theology study programs from ECA and other theological institutions, students of caritative social work, teachers from […]

Student field works defense conference

Regular students field works defense conference at the Academy was held in January 16, 2023. Students presented their field work results at the Conference attended by employers – Mrs. Inna Novikova, representative of the Trade union of social workers and health industry; Mrs. Solvita Alaine-Gernere from Welfare department of Jurmala City municipality; Mrs. Aija Āriņa […]

EC-EZA General Assembly

EZA General Assemby of EC organization EZA (European Center for Workers’ Questions) conviened in Vilnius (LT), December 2022. The key topic was development of the European Social dialogue. European Christian Academy is one of the key partners with EC organiztions since 2004. Rector of EZA prof. Skaidrīte Gūtmane took part in discussions and group work.

EC-EZA General assembly and discussion

In November 26-27, 2022, General Assembly of EC-EZA (“European center for Workers’s Questions”) was hosted in Spain. Prof. Skaidrīte Gūtmane, Guntis Dišlers, Dace Dolace joined discussion group after the Assembly. The topic for discussion was job opportunities for youth in EU (and Latvia). The discussion worked for more detailed construction of the EZA […]

“Continental Art Centre” discussion about Icons in the modern world

Group of artists and art producers “Continental Art Centre” has organized international discussion about the role and perception of Orthodox icons in modern Europe. The discussion put together artists and critic from many countries, and Christian Academy was presented by teachers of the Bible art study programme. The discussion was moderated by the President of […]

“Semaines Sociales de france – IXE-group” meeting in Ghent

Another regular meeting of the think-tank group “Semaines Sociales de France – IXE-group” was organized in Ghent (Belgium). Also rector of Christian Academy prof. Skaidrīte Gūtmane took part in its work. The meeting was titled “European Democracy Conference on Future of Europe”. These meetings work for better understanding of the social development from Christian perspective […]

Discussion about perception of Icons in modern world

Continetal Art Centre (The Netherlands) organized seminar-discussion (online) about fascinating subject – creation of Icons in the context of modern European society in October 15-16, 2022. Is traditions still there, and if it does – how? How do we perceive it? The discussion was moderated by Sir Leen la Riviere, Director behind the CAC.

IDC study conference

IDC (International Deaconate Center, Germany) organized study conference in September 15-18, 2022. Also study program directors of the Welfare studies at European Christian Academy took part. Academic results of the conference were presented to the ECA Senate by Chairman of the Senate Ervīns Butkevics.

Seminar for social workers hosted by the Ministry of Welfare

Seminar and practical discussion “Prerequisites for healthy communication” was hosted by the Ministry of Welfare in cooperation with Riga city and Jurmala municipalities, June 5, 2022. Prof. Skaidrīte Gūtmane and Guntis Dišlers moderated the seminar.