ERASMUS+ in Bethlehem University

Teacher at Biblical Arts study programme Beata Soloveja worked in Bethlehem University (Palestine) within the ERASMUS+ personnel teaching mobility, September 16-19, 2019. She hosted Art therapy master-class for both students and teachers of the Social work programme. Added value: inter-universities agreement between Latvian Christian academy and Bethlehem Icon center.

ERASMUS+ in Bethlehem University

In September 16-20, 2019, Alexander Shabelnik from the Biblical Art study programme at Latvian Christian academy worked in Bethlehem University (Palestine), hosting master-class “The use of the Church art in education of social workers”.

Lecturer from Bethlehem University

Lecturer from Bethlehem University (Palestine) Mrs. Naila Muslekh visited Latvian Christian Academy in September 16-20, 2019, lecturing on “The Hierarchy Model in Community work with families in Palestine: Hierarchy and Social Time”. The lecture was addressed to the teaching staff and the final stage of students.

Rector of LChrA meets Rector of Rector of the Ferghan State University

Rector of Latvian Christian academy prof. Skaidrite Gūtmane met Rector of the Ferghan State University dr., prof. R.Maksudov in April 27, 2019. Possible cooperation between both Universities within the ERASMUS+ program frame was discussed. Prof. R.Maksudov was impressed by the student-oriented study model at the Academy and the quality assurance procedure following requirements of EC […]

Agreement of interuniversities’ cooperation between Latvian Christian academy and Klaipeda University (Lithuania)

Agreement of ERASMUS+ interuniversities’ cooperation between Latvian Christian academy and Klaipeda University (Lithuania) was signed in May 6, 2018, for the period 2017 – 20121.    

Award for succesful ERASMUS+ implementation.

In December 8, 2017, Latvian Christian academy was awarded for successful implementation of the ERASMUS+ mobility studies program. As we all know, ERASMUS is celebrating 30 years  in 2018, whereas in Latvia we have it for 18 years.ERASMUS+ has given an opportunity to ensure both students’ and teachers’ mobility across Europe, as well promoted involvement […]

ERASMUS+ Contact Seminar for cooperation with Universities from South Mediterranian countries in Rome.

ERASMUS+ Contact Seminar for cooperation with Universities from South Mediterranian countries was held in La Sapienza University, Rome, in October 18-19, 2017. Rector of LChrA prof. Skaidrīte Gūtmane was hosting group work with colleagues from those countries.


Latvian Christian academy has received an awarding ERASMUS+ “Jean Monnet Module” Plaque from EC EACEA (Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency) in  May, 2017. As the following letter states, “The purpose of this plaque is twofold. It serves primarily as a label signifying quality in European integration studies and represents the achievements of your Jean […]

ERASMUS+ cooperation agreement with KatHO University (Germany) signed.

Prof. Dr. Thomas Hülshoff and group from Catholic University of Applied Sciences of North Rhine-Westphalia (KatHO NRW) visited Latvian Christian academy in August 23, 2016, and the ERASMUS+ Interinstitutional agreement was signed between both universities, and cooperation prospects discussed regarding student and teaching staff mobility and research development. The Academy has gained a new partner-university […]

Cooperation agreement with Bethlehem University signed.

Rector of Latvian Christian academy prof. Skaidrīte Gūtmane has signed ERASMUS CREDIT MOBILITY (K-107) cooperation Agreement with Bethlehem University, Palestine. The Agreement envisages cooperation within the study programme “Caritative social work”, beginning from June 1, 2016.