Teacher at Biblical Arts study programme assist.prof. Beata Soloveja worked in Bethlehem University (Palestine) within the ERASMUS+ personnel teaching mobility, September 16-19, 2019. She hosted Art therapy master-class for both students and teachers of the Social work programme. Added value: inter-universities agreement between Latvian Christian academy and Bethlehem Icon center.
ERASMUS+ in Bethlehem University
ERASMUS+ in Bethlehem University
In September 16-20, 2019, assist.prof. Alexander Shabelnik from the Biblical Art study programme at Latvian Christian academy worked in Bethlehem University (Palestine), hosting master-class “The use of the Church art in education of social workers”.
Rector of LChrA meets Rector of Rector of the Ferghan State University
Rector of Latvian Christian academy prof. Skaidrite Gūtmane met Rector of the Ferghan State University dr., prof. R.Maksudov in April 27, 2019. Possible cooperation between both Universities within the ERASMUS+ program frame was discussed. Prof. R.Maksudov was impressed by the student-oriented study model at the Academy and the quality assurance procedure following requirements of EC […]
Agreement of interuniversities’ cooperation between Latvian Christian academy and Klaipeda University (Lithuania)
Agreement of ERASMUS+ interuniversities’ cooperation between Latvian Christian academy and Klaipeda University (Lithuania) was signed in May 6, 2018, for the period 2017 – 20121.
ERASMUS+ Contact Seminar for cooperation with Universities from South Mediterranian countries in Rome.
ERASMUS+ Contact Seminar for cooperation with Universities from South Mediterranian countries was held in La Sapienza University, Rome, in October 18-19, 2017. Rector of LChrA prof. Skaidrīte Gūtmane was hosting group work with colleagues from those countries.