
International Social Work conference at Klaipeda University celebrating 25 Years of the Department

In September 25, 2020, an International social work conference “Humaneness, Social Work, XXI century” was held at Klaipeda University (Lithuania), celebrating 25 years of Social work department. Rector of Latvian Christian academy prof. Skaidrīte Gūtmane participated in the plenary session with the presentation “Client-focused Caritative Social work in the Risk Society Today”.

Proceedings of Latvian Christian Academy, Vol. 6

The 6th volume of Proceedings of Latvian Christian Academy was published in September 23, 2020, its guideline is “Client and Human Dignity”. Articles are written by researchers and practitioners in the filed of Caritative social work from Germany, Finland, Lithuania and Latvia. Our University specializes in client-focused social work onto which the current volume presents insightful opinions. Editor-in-Chief of the Proceedings prof. Skaidrīte Gūtmane, Rector of Latvian Christian academy, argues “the need for active and powerful impulse from anthropological innovation for further development of social work as an academic discipline”.

Annual RENOVABIS Congress

Rector of LChrA prof. Skaidrīte Gūtmane attended the annual RENOVABIS Congress in September 8-10, 2020 (online). Cooperation models between the Church and educational institutions were discussed. RENOVABIS is a solidarity initiative of the German Catholics with the people in Central and Eastern Europe; Latvian Christian academy is parnering with RENOVABIS since late 1990-ies.

SP-YOUNG strategic partnerships at LChrA

Latvian Christian academy launches strategic partnership research on September 1-3, 2020 in cooperation with Social work experts from Malmo University (Sweden), University of Warsaw and University of Bialystok (Poland), and Klaipeda University (Lithuania). The overall goal of the partnership research is to promote the innovative development of Social work profession within the EU context. The work will go on two more years when strategic guidelines for EU universities offering social work study programmes will be presented aiming at Social work with young people. The new guidelines will comply with EC Social Agenda, and upgraded and innovative, European approach to clients will be introduced. A special course module along with the study material will be worked out. The basis for current discussions is discourse “SP-YOUNG Discourse of Cross-Border Situation”, published by prof. Skaidrīts Gūtmane, Rector of Latvian Christian academy. She worked on the publication whole last year and now it is available for further steps of the partnership project.

Icon Painting Summer School – August 2020!

Latvian Christian Academy in AUGUST 10-16, 2020, organizes SUMMER SCHOOL IN ICON PAINTING to go through all phases of Icon painting starting from preparation of the Icon board until the final varnish of the ready painting. Summer School provides theoretical and practical basis for canonical Icon painting.
Date and venue: August 10-16, in Jūrmala (Latvia), Bulduri (address: Vienības prospekts 23), in the premises of Latvian Christian Academy.
Training fee: 250 EUR + materials.

Online courses by Latvian Christian Academy

During summer months Latvian Christian academy team works hard on digitalization of its study courses for online needs in the fall semester. Special attention is paid to materials in Scriptology, Calligraphy, History of Metaphors, Cultural history of Europe, History of Ancient Images.

New research on Caritative Social Work in EBSCO

Reserach by prof. Skaidrīte Gūtmane “Caritative Social work as Innovation from Antiquity” was published in Proceedings of Kolping University of Applied Sciences “Challenges and social responsibility in business”, Lithuania, June, 2020, pp. 22-40. EBSCO data base.

New monograph “Supervision in Latvia”

In June 26, 2020, monograph “Supervision in Latvia” was officially opened. The book contains theoretical essays on Supervision as well as analysis of practical experience. Editor-in-Chief of the monograph Maija Zakričevska-Belogrudova, Dr.Psych., emphasized that the iniative to create professional standard for Supervisors was initiated by Prof. Skaidrīte Gūtmane, Rector of Latvian Christian academy. Academicians and prpofessionals in the field attended the event. Monograpg “Supervision in Latvia” is published by high school RISEBA.

Online EZA seminar for Partners on Communication and Social Media

In order to be qualified for the new Covid-19 situation when meetings and conferences are held online, EZA (European Center for Workers’ Questions) organized online instructing seminar and sharing between partners. Latvian Christian academy was represented by Guntis Dišlers. Our Academy is preparing itself for the first EZA online international seminar at the end of May.

International EZA seminar on Life-Long Learning in the Baltic States and EU

In May 21-23, 2020, Latvian Christian academy hosted international seminar “Life-Long Learning for Increasing Labour Participation and Inclusive Work-Life in the Baltic States against the Background of Other EU countries”. The seminar was organized in cooperation with European Center for Workers’ Questions (EZA, Germany). Due to Civid-19 restrictions only speakers from the Baltic States were able to travel, whereas all participants and speakers from Germany and Poland were connected via ZOOM. The seminar was introduced by Mrs Sigrid Schraml, Secretary General of EZA. Among the speakers were H.U.Nordhaus ( EZA expert from German Trade Union Federation DGB), Agnieszka Piasecka-Robak (University of Lower Silesia, Wroclaw, Poland), Elvyra Aciene (Klaipeda University, Honorary president of Association of Lithuanian Social Work Universities, Lithuania), Aimar Altosaar (President of “The Golden League” NGO, Estonia), Pēteris Krīgers (member of (European Economic and Social Committee), Baiba Rivža (Vice-president of Latvian Academy of Sciences), Sarmīte Pīlāte (Director Latvian Adult Education Association, Latvia). The seminar was hosted by Skaidrīte Gūtmane, Rector of Latvian Christian academy.