European Christian Academy was awarded with status “Scientific institution” in August 13, 2024 by Latvian Council of Science. European Christian Academy offers innovative study programs, Bachelor and Master degree, based on interdisciplinary research. The Academy employs experienced researchers in their fields of knowledge, they are active in mind-sharing with colleagues in Latvia, Europe and beyond, […]
Europas Christian Academy – scientific institution!
Riga City Municipality offers stipends form students of Caritative and Social work
Riga City Municipality offers stipends to students who are willing to study Caritative and Social work and agree to work in a Riga social institution for three years (two years, if you work during study). Stipends are offered to students of the Bachelor program. Enrollment for studies at European Christian Academy is open during workdays […]
EVERYONE HAS HIS OR HER WISHES.For example, among other initiatives of our SE gradutes born in the Academy, is DRAMA THEATER of both horses and equestrians in open space. Plays are written by teenagers from ill-disposed families with whom traditional social workers don’t know how to deal with. Equestrians ride horses whose sports career is […]
Reception at Embassy of Israel
Embassy of Israel held official (and welcoming) reception in Riga Synagogue, June 18, 2024, commemorating anniversary of the State of Israel. ECA was represented by prof. Skaidrite Gūtmane and as. prof. Guntis Dišlers.
Precious memories and benefits from archaeological expeditions in the Holy Land
In May 27, 2024, we gathered in the “Byzantine cabinet” at the Academy around memories from archaeological expeditions in the Holy Land, started 30 years ago. It was in 1944 when staff and students of the Academy were invited to join unique archaeological expeditions first in Emmaus / Latroun followed by digs in Geshur. Expeditions […]