
First Christmas greetings – from Latvian Parliament

With joy we have received Christmas greetings from Deputy speaker of the 14th Saeima (Latvian Parliament) Dr. Zanda Kalniņa-Lukaševica. Especially we are pleased that Dr. Zanda Kalniņa-Lukaševica has graduated from European Christian Academy.

Appreciation of the work done at the Academy and by prof. Skaidrīte Gūtmane

Rector of European Christian Academy prof. Skaidrite Gūtmane has received Letter of the Apostolic Blessing from Pope Francis, head of the Roman Catholic Church, in December 8, 2023. The Letter is an exclusive sign of appreciation after 30 years of both research and educational work carried out at the Academy since 1993, especially in the […]

Meeting of the NORDPLUS networking organization “WE-THINK” in Klaipeda University

Participants of the NORDPLUS netweorking organization “WE-THINK” gathered for meeting in Klaipeda University, November 27-29, 2023. Representatives from European Christian Academy (LV), Klaipeda University (LV) and VID-Specialized University (NO) joined to work out the Intensive course program for master degree students in social work and social entrepreneurship “Accelerating social entrpreneurship for social sustainability”.

EZA seminar “Ready for AI? – The world of work in the upcoming revolution”

An international seminar “Ready for AI? – The world of work in the upcoming revolution” was held in Sofia, Bulgaria, November 23-24, 2023. Experts from various EU countries discussed topical issues related to AI and challenges for humanity in the fast changing situation across the globe. The seminar was introduced by President of EZA Luc […]

Inter-universities’ meeting to discuss joint master study programs

Meeting with faculty from European Christian Academy (LV), St.Ignatius Loyola University of Applied Sciences (LT), VID-specialized University (NO) was held in November 14. 2023. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss piloting project for two joint master study programs: “Audit of social services” and “Accelerating Social Entrepreneurship”. Faculty members evaluated quality of the piloting […]

Letter of Appreciation to prof. S.Gūtmane for her academic contribution

The VIII conference of Latvian supervisors and presentatioon of the book on the history of the profession in Latvia was he;ld in November 9, 2023. Rector of ECrA prof Skaidrīte Gūtmane was awarded with Letter of Appreciation for her pioneering academic contribution in the development of the profession.

International seminar dedicated to Caritative social work

A 3-days international seminar dealing with problems of Caritative social work was held in October 31 – November 2, 2023. Following topics were discussed: 1) inter-cultural communication and role of values in the development of Caritative social work in the 21 century; 2) practice of the Caritative social work education in different countries; 3) research […]

Positive evaluation of ther NORDPLUS HE project

The Academy has received positive evaluation of the NORDPLUS HE 2023 project “WE-THINK: Accelerating Social Entrepreneurship for Sustainability”. The project is executed by the inter-universities consortium platform “WE-THINK” consisting of ECA (head of the consortium). VID University (Norway) and Klaipeda University (Lithuania). The goal of the consortium is to create master study program due to […]

European Christian Academy supports Israel

Eiropean Christian Academy condemns brutal assault on the State of Israel and its civilians by the Palestinian terrorist organization “Hamas”. We rise our prayers and express solidarity with conviction that the truth will finally win.

Rector of ECA Skaidrīte Gūtmane – professor at Klaipeda University

Senate and Council of social sciences at Klaipeda University (Lithuania) voted for awarding rector of European Christian Academy prof. Skaidrite Gūtmane as partnering professor in social sciences at Klaipeda University, June 21, 2023. Cooperation with KU lasts already 10 years – prof. Skaidrīte Gūtmane has taken active part in international conferences, presented various lecture courses, she is also vice-editor in chief of the Academic Proceedings of KU “Tiltai / Bridges”. The awarding event at the Rector’s office was attended by Prorector of sciences and studies prof. Sonata Mačiulskyte, Rector’s advisor Rita Vaičekauskaite, Dr. habil., visiting professor at ECA Elvyra Aciene. The Diploma was awarded by the Rector Prof. Artūras Razdabauskas.