
International conference on adolescence in Riga City Municipality

An international conference on social work with adolescents “Here I am – can you hear me?” was held in Riga City Municipality house, May 15, 2015. It was organized within the campaign “Help children upbringing in family!” by Social services agency  and Professional society for stepfamilies “Theresa”. Mass media offers even more information about young […]

EZA seminar and celebration of the 30th anniversary in Brussels

EZA seminar and celebrations of the 30th anniversary of the organization titled “30 years of European Social Dialogue – Positive Achievements, Challenges and Future Development Prospects” were held in Brussels, March 3-4, 2015, and were attended by Rector of Latvian Christian academy prof. S.Gūtmane and G.Dišlers. Seminar discussions were run by specialists in European […]

Bachelor thesis defense in February 10, 2015

Bachelor thesis in Theology and Caritative social work, as well as Thesis for the Qualification in Caritative social work were defended succesfully at the Academy in February 10, 2015. Congratulations! Graduation ceremony is scheduled in February 19.

New-elected professors at LChrA

Last year there have been elected new professors in different spheres of science at Latvian Christian Academy. The leader of Graphic art workshop Mrs. Nele Zirnīte in November has been elected as professor at LCA in the field of arts – in graphic art.  The pedagogical qualification and active artistic creativity, its international context and […]

Talsi Christian school teachers visiting the Academy in December 20

Teachers from the Talsi Christian school visited the Academy in December 20, 2014. They came for a special seminar on hotly debated pedagogical issues as well ass to get acquainted with the Academy and for further reference to its capacity. “We were at the Academy for the first time and were surely surprised to see […]

Christmas eve at the Chapel

In the December 18 eve lecturers, staff and students of the Academy gathered for prayer and fellowship at the end of the 2014. The audience was adressed by the Recytor of the Academy pro. Skaidrīte Gūtmane and fr. Andris Kravalis from the Roman Catholic Church. At the end the Christmas song “Silent night, holy night” […]

EZA seminar in Milano, Italy, December 3-4, 2014

EZA (European Center for Worker’s Questions, EU) held its international seminar “Good professional education and tuition – future for young workers” in Milanio, Italy, December 3-4, 2014. Participants from worker’s organizations from Portugal, Spain, Romania, Poland, Germany and Italy discussed issues of professional education for young people in situation, when large numbers of unemployed in […]

EZA General assembly and kick-off seminar in Budapest

EZA (European Center for Worker’s Questions) held its General Assembly and kick-off seminar in Budapest, November 26-28, 2014. Latvian Christian academy has close cooperation with EZA, supported by EC, and its vast network in Germany, Belgium, Luxemburg, Italy, Estonia, Lithuania since Latvia joined EU in 2004. Several international EZA seminars have been held at the […]

Lectures and seminars in supervision, November 23-29

Lectures and seminars on supervision related to Social and Caritative social work will be held at Latvian Christian academy by professor Indre Dirgeliene from the Department of Social work, Klaipeda University (Lithuania) in November 23 – 29, 2014.  

Faculty of health sciences, Department of social work of Klaipeda University celebrates its 20 years

The Faculty of health sciences, Department of social work of Klaipeda university (LT), headed by prof. Elyra Aciene, celebrated its 20 years in November 6, 2014, at the conference “Social dialogue as a potential for social work professionalisation”. The announcement states that “the beginnings of social work profession in Lithuania go back for two decades […]