European Social policy

EC-EZA seminar at the Academy

25.-27. maijā, 2023, Akadēmijā norisinās starptautisks EK-EZA (Eiropas Centrs Strādājošo Jautājumos) seminārs “Sociālais dialogs un ražošanas attiecības Baltijas valstīs un citās ES valstīs Eiropas Sociālo tiesību kontekstā”. Paredzētas diskusijas un darbnīcas. Tēma nozīmīga sociālajiem darbiniekiem, karitatīvajiem sociālajiem darbiniekiem, makro līmeņa speciālistiem.

EZA conference in Brussels

International conference “Workers’ organizations as motivators of social innovations” organized by EZA (European Center for Workers’) was held in Brussels, March 21-23, 2023. Participants form European Christian Academy – Rector Skaidrīte Gūtmane and Guntis Dišlers took part in the panel discussion “Innovations and industrial future in the changing world”.

“Semaines Sociales de France – IXE-group” meeting in Gent

Thin-tank grup “Semaines Sociales de France – IXE-group” gathers for meeting in Gent (Belgium), October 15-17, 2022. The topic for discussion is “European Democracy Conference on Future of Europe.” Rector of Christian Academy prof. Skaidrīte Gūtmane and as. prof. Guntis Dišlers attended the meeting.

EC-EZA international seminar, May 26-28, 2022

European Christian Academy hosted annual international EC-EZA (European Center for Workers’ Questions) seminar “The Future of Work in the Baltic States and Other EU Countries: Automation, Workforce Transition and Quality of Employment” in May 26-28, 2022. Experts from European Academy of Sciences, Latvian Trade Unions Confederation, Bank of Latvia, Ministry of Economics, as well as […]

International EZA seminar at Latvian Christian Academy

Annual international seminar “Young qualified workers: empowerment and participation strategies in the Baltic States and EU” will be held in May 27-29, 2021. The seminar will deal with the importance of qualification for young workers for themselves and their integration and further development in the labour market, but also for social development. A key question is what steps are necessary to integrate young people successfully and sustainably into the new world of work – also taking into account the effects of the coronavirus pandemic. The employability of young people is seen as a cornerstone of social development. Particular attention is paid to the digital economy and new business models resulting from it which require special knowledge and skills. The seminar will host experts from Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Link to EZA webpage.

Meeting with EZA experts at the Academy

Meeting with experts from EC-EZA (European Center for Workers’ Questions) was held at the Academy in May 13, 2021. Modual study programs were discussed with reference to experience of the University of Leuven aiming at consortial master study program “Specialist in Community Work and European Social Dialogue” (working title). From the EZA side – former Secretary General, DrHC Roswith Gottbehut (DE) and Mr. Bruno Machiels (BE), from the Academy – former Secretary General of LBAS (Latvian Free Trade Unions Ass.) Dr.HC Pēteris Krīgers, ass. prof. Lāsma Līcīte-Ķurbe and assist. prof. Juris Jefuni.

Latvian Christian academy – in dealing with COVID

COVID-19 has dramatically influenced all our lives around the globe both personally and nationally. Virus has taken thousands around the world, creating psychological, social, economic crises. Latvian Christian academy has come up with several publications dealing with the issue and recovery beyond the pandemic: Gūtmane S. Zināsim vairāk, izdarīsim labāk. [Knowing More, Doing Better], (journal […]

IXE-Group Statement on Human Dignity and Solidarity as Pillars for a New European Asylum System

“Semaines Sociales de France” (SSF) and the “Central Committee of German Catholics” (ZdK) think-tank “IXE-Group” (“Initiatives of Christians for Europe”) have published Statement “On Human Dignity and Solidarity as Pillars for a New European Asylum System”. The meeting between the Think-tank IXE-Group members (D, D, ES, CZ, LU, F, PL – also GB present) was held in Madrid, October 9-10, 2020 (partially online via ZOOM). ector of Latvian Christian academy prof. Skaidrīte Gūtmane attended the meeting. The discussion touched an integrated and comprehensive approach to the multidimensional migration policy in the EU member states. The Document is available here: 201012 IXE statement asylum en final

Initiative of Christians for Europe / IXE-Group online meeting

Next online meeting of the Initiative of Christians for Europe / IXE-Group scheduled forOctober 9-10, 2020. The Agenda of the meeting foresees discussion of the Covid-19 situation in Europe and sharing on the 5th anniversary of “Laudato si’ – On Care for Our Common Home” by Pope Francis on political and institutional levels.

What does the Academy do for the promotion of the Social Europe Consciousness?

In order to promote development of the Social Europe consciousness, Europan Commission  organizes a “Have Your Say for Reinforcing Social Europe”. Key documents like “European Social Pillar of Social Rights”,  “20 Key Principles” and “Strong Social Europe for Just Transitions” are recommended for discussions and analysis. The seminar for LChrA students was held online in October 6, 2020; the seminar was hosted by specialists of the Caritatyive social work study programme.