
Letter of Recognition from Latvian Academy of Sciences to Rector of European Christian Academy prof. Skaidrīte Gūtmane

Letter of Recognition from Latvian Academy of Sciences to Rector of European Christian Academy prof. Skaidrīte Gūtmane

In March 8, 2025, Rector of European Christian Academy prof. Skaidrīte Gūtmane was awarded with Letter of Recognition from Latvian Academy of Sciences for “Investment in defense of rightousness and equality, and development of society”. The Letter was signed by President of Academy of Sciences prof., acad. Ivars Kalviņš. The award recognizes the investment of prof. Skaidrīte Gūtmane in long-term strategic leadership and management of European Christian Academy

Rector of European Chruistian Academy prof. Skaidrīte Gūtmane met Mrs. Zanda Kalniņa-Lukašēvica, Deputy Speaker of Latvian Parliament. During the meeting topical issues of higher education and spiritual life in Latvia were discussed in constructive and mutually concerned manner. Mrs. Zanda Kalniņa-Lukašēvica graduated Christian Academy with excellent grade several years ago. About the meeting she writes […]

Calligraphy and scriptology master class, ERASMUS+

Master class in Calligraphy and Scriptology by DrHC George v Durtanossky (Germany, Macedonia) started today at the Academy for foreign students within the ERASMUS+ mobility framework in March 14, 2025. Elegant interior, prayer in the Chapel before the course starts, inspiring teacher who can captivate people even the most tired and exhausted people – he […]

Alumni seminar on iconography today

Alumni seminar titled “Iconography in postmodern Latvia today” was hosted by Byzantine Cabinet at European Christian Academy in February 19, 2025. It was organized by former head of the Students’ Self Governement of the Academy Mrs. Aina Āriņa.

Annual International Deaconate Center conference in Rome

Annual IDC (“International Deaconate Center”) conference convened in Roma, February 23, 2025. DrHC, prof. Klaus Kiessling represented European Christian Academy. In picture: prof. K.Kiessling (left), Rector of ECA prof. Skaidrīte Gūtmane and prof. Terttu Pohjolainen (FI) in Rome before visiting Pope Francis in 2016.

EZA conference in Brussels

EC-EZA (“European Center for Workers’ Questions”) convened for annual conference in Brussels in February 18, 2025 on the topic “The EU’s competitiveness agenda: What is at stake for workers and society?” Conference members were examining the EU’s Competitiveness Agenda Through a Social Lens.

Newest EZA informational journal is out

EC networking organization EZA (“European Center for Workers’ Questions”) has published its newest informational journal on topical socio-political issues. They are important also for social work studies at European Christian Academy: What is the role of democracy today? What is its industrial form? How should we look at mobility processes? And what about digital education? […]

Icon painted at ECrA in Germany

Icon of St. John of Riga painted on commission by the head of the Icon painting department at European Christian Academy Alevtīna Ērgle was consecrated and put up in a monastery of the German Orthodox Church.

Information about EChrA in Macedonian news channel

At the end of 2024 European Christian Academy was awarded with ERASMUS+ annual quality award “Spārni” (“Wings”) as a nominee for “Personnel mobility in higher education sector”. Information about that was published in ERASMUS+ home page. Now the information about European Christian Academy is published also in Macedonian channels. Quality award is a traditional competition […]

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

The old and challenging year 2024 is gone. We thank all friends of European Christian Academy both in Latvia and abroad, colleagues and teachers from near and far away, and, of course, our trusted students – for creativity, patience in complex situations and joy being together in success both in your studies, research and administrative […]

Defending Diploma thesis at the Academy

Defense of Bachelor and Master degree thesis in Caritative and Social work was held at the Academy in a three-days session, December 16-18. The head of the Commission was internationally renown specialist in Social work from Klaipeda University Dr., prof. Elvyra Aciene (Lithuania).


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European Christian Academy in AUGUST 14-20, 2023, organizes SUMMER SCHOOL IN ICON PAINTING to go through all phases of Icon painting starting from preparation of the Icon board until the final varnish of the ready painting. Summer School provides theoretical and practical basis for canonical Icon painting.
Date and venue: August 14-20, in Jūrmala (Latvia), Bulduri (address: Vienības prospekts 23), in European Christian Academy.
Training fee: 250 EUR + materials.

Icon Painting Summer School – August 2020!

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Latvian Christian Academy in AUGUST 10-16, 2020, organizes SUMMER SCHOOL IN ICON PAINTING to go through all phases of Icon painting starting from preparation of the Icon board until the final varnish of the ready painting. Summer School provides theoretical and practical basis for canonical Icon painting.
Date and venue: August 10-16, in Jūrmala (Latvia), Bulduri (address: Vienības prospekts 23), in the premises of Latvian Christian Academy.
Training fee: 250 EUR + materials.

Icon Painting Summer School – August 2019!

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Latvian Christian Academy in AUGUST 19-25, 2019, organizes SUMMER SCHOOL IN ICON PAINTING, in which there is possibility to go through all phases of Icon painting – starting with the preparation of Icon board until the final varnish of ready painting. Summer School provides theoretical and practical basis of canonical Icon painting.
Date and venue: August 19-25, in Jūrmala (Latvia), Bulduri (address: Vienības prospekts 23), in the premises of Latvian Christian Academy.
Training fee: 250 EUR + materials.

Award for succesful ERASMUS+ implementation.

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In December 8, 2017, Latvian Christian academy was awarded for successful implementation of the ERASMUS+ mobility studies program. As we all know, ERASMUS is celebrating 30 years  in 2018, whereas in Latvia we have it for 18 years.ERASMUS+ has given an opportunity to ensure both students’ and teachers’ mobility across Europe, as well promoted involvement […]