International cooperation

Annual conference of “Semaines Sociales de France” in Prague

Annual conference of “Semaines Sociales de France”, “Initiatives of Christians for Europe” and IXE-group” was held in Prague, Czech Republic, October 25-27, 2024. At the center of discussions – policy of the strategic sustainability in Europe and its impact on youth education. Prof. Skaidrite Gūtmane, lect. Valters Dolacis and Ervins Butkevics took part in […]

A step to sharing

International seminar “Iconography in modern world” was organized by Byzantine Cabinet at European Christian Academy in October 23, 2024. Topics were discussed: Icon in modern Liturgical context; Trusting Tradition in the art of Iconography (Fabio Hones, Italy); Mystical illiteracy in iconography today (George Rodes, Greece); Education of the canonical iconography on Bachelor and Master levels […]

CODE Forum on innovations in diaconia and caritative social work

Joint forum organized by Dr. Tony Ady and CODE with participants from DIAK (network of Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences) and IDC (International Deaconate Center, Germany) dealing with innovations in diaconia and Caritative social work was held in Prague, September 17, 2024. Prof. Skaidrite Gūtmane, as. prof. Guntis Dišlers, Dace Dolace submitted with their […]

ECA membership in European Association of Schools of Social Work

European Christian Academy has updated its membership in the European Association of Schools of Social Work. In the mutual meeting key issues of partnership were discussed, benefit for further development of the Social work profession in regards to scientific research focused on practice.

Rector of ECA prof. Skaidrīte Gūtmane at EZA Snack debate

Prof. Skaidrīte Gūtmane is invited to to take part in the EC-EZA (European Center for Workers’ Questions) WOW Snack-Debate “What’s next for EU social policy?” (September 24, 2024). The La Hulpe Declaration, the European Pillar of Social Rights and the new Commission’s Priorities will be discussed. The future of EU social policy in light of […]

EZA seminar in Trent (Italy).

EC organisation EZA (European Center for Workers’ Questions) on behalf of the associations belonging to UNAIE (Unione Nazionale Associazioni Immigrazione Emigrazione) and of the European movements forsocial dialogue members of EZA organizes a seminar about European work issues with the title: “Labour shortage: working out realistic solutions through social dialogue” in Trent (Italy), October 18-20, […]

Calligraphy and Scriptology Master class with DrHC George v Durtanossky (Macedonia, Germany)

The new study year at the Bible Art department starts with Masterclass in Calligraphy and Scriptology with DrHC, prof. George v Durtanossky (Macedonia, Germany), September 16-24, 2024. It is a unique opportunity to come back from long summer holidays with inspirational insight in ancient Christian texts from European illuminated manuscripts. Studying those texts and making […]

Reception at Embassy of Israel

Embassy of Israel held official (and welcoming) reception in Riga Synagogue, June 18, 2024, commemorating anniversary of the State of Israel. ECA was represented by prof. Skaidrite Gūtmane and as. prof. Guntis Dišlers.

Precious memories and benefits from archaeological expeditions in the Holy Land

In May 27, 2024, we gathered in the “Byzantine cabinet” at the Academy around memories from archaeological expeditions in the Holy Land, started 30 years ago. It was in 1944 when staff and students of the Academy were invited to join unique archaeological expeditions first in Emmaus / Latroun followed by digs in Geshur. Expeditions […]

EC-EZA conference in Brussels

EC-EZA (“European Center for Workers’ Questions”) conference on topical issues of social work related to social dialogue was held in Brussels, March 19-20, 2024. European Christian Academy was represented by three students from the Social welfare study direction (Caritative social work) Silva Zāgmane, Eva Kļava and Una Berga.