
Dr. Francis Monseth, 1941 – 2013

Dr. Francis Monseth, the Dean of the Seminary for the Association of Free Lutheran Congregations (MN, USA) passed away in March 29, 2013. Dr Monseth was teaching Systematic theology at the very beginning of the Academy in mid-90ies, spending his Sabbatical year – and helping us in many ways with his advice, organizing exchange of […]

Master study programme „Social entrepreneurship” licensed at the Academy

Commission of licensing by the Ministry of Education and Science issued license to the Master study programme „Social entrepreneurship” at Latvian Christian academy in February 13. This is the only study programme in Latvia based on innovative concept of Social economy promoted in EU countries. The programme links principles and methods of social work and […]

Dr. Wolfgang Wagner, 1939 – 2013

Professor Wolfgang Wagner, Dr HC, passed away in January 10, Germany. He was lecturing at the Academy since early 90-ies, and together with his wife Sigrid he moved to Latvia in early 2000 for work at the Academy for several years. His course in Christian psychology helped to develop method of integrative theology at the […]

LChrA – member of the International Diaconate Centre, Germany

Due to successful development of the Caritative social work study programme and research in the field Latvian Christian Academy has been accepted as a member of the International Diaconate Centre (Internationales Diakonatszentrum), Germany.

Conference „School Pedagogy: Perspectives of Development”

In November 30, 2012, the conference on „School pedagogy: Perspectives of Development” was held at the Faculty of Pedagogy and Art, Latvian University. Rector of LChrA prof. Skaidrīte Gūtmane joined in with presentation „Human values and understanding of self-identity: Tasks for the school pedagogy”. The conference was attended by directors and principals of gymnasiums, colleges, […]

ERASMUS award to Latvian Christian academy

Latvian Christian academy has been the member of ERASMUS University charter since its beginnings. In November 22, 2012, celebrating the 25th anniversary of ERASMUS, our university was awarded for positive achievements in the development of the ERASMUS study programmes and mobility – testifying to good involvement in the Bologna process of European higher education. The […]

Conference „Assessment of Mobility Achievements” in Vilnius, Lithuania

The conference of international exchange project ERASMUS, NORDPLUS etc. coordinators was held in November 13, Vilnius, Lithuania. LChrA was represented by the rector S.Gūtmane and G.Dišlers.

Visit of Prof. M. Rogers, the Dean of the College of Health and Human Services, Marywood University (USA)

Dean of the College of Health and Human Services, Marywood University (USA), Professor Mark E. Rogers visited Latvian Christian Academy in October 30 to discuss mutual agreement of cooperation between the two universities to support further promotion of Caritative social work education. Later in the evening students of the Academy had an opportunity to join […]

Visit from Mullsjo Highschool (Sweden)

Students of the Art faculty from Mullsjo Highschool (MH) visited the Academy in October 18. Latvian Christian academy enjoys partnership with the MH already 18 years. Guests met icon painter A.Ērgle. Prof. P.Gunnarson and Rector of the Academy prof. S.Gūtmane discussed corporate cooperation within the frame of European culture project for 2013.

ERASMUS Intensive Programme “Social Economy, Social Enterprise and the Dynamics of European Democracy” in September 24 – October 6

Teachers and students from Latvia, Lithuania, Denmark, Norway, Romania and Hungary attended the IP course for studies of the topic for 10 intensive days. Programme of IP is available here The objectives of the IP is to develop understanding of Social Economy from three perspectives: Europe 2020 strategy perspective, Associative democracy concept, Analysis on what […]