
Information on Latvian Christian Academy in Vatican journal “Il Nostro Tempo”

Overview of ecumenical situation in Latvia was published by the Vatican journal “Il Nostro Tempo” (November 2, 2014). Within this context an insightful interview with rector of Latvian Christian Academy prof. Skaidrīte Gūtmane is provided and the concept of the Academy is described.  

Donation of Macedonian books to the National Library of Latvia

Celebrating  the 95th anniversary of the foundation of the National Library of Latvia (LNL), and 18 years of establishing diplomatic relations between Latvia and Macedonia, 133 special edition books on Macedonian literature in the English language were donated to LNL, in October 20, 2014. The donation  was initiated and presented by Mr. Georgy f. Durtanovsky, […]

Latvian Christian academy awarded with EC recognition

In June 3, 2014, in an official ceremony organized by the State Education and Development Agency (SEDA) Latvian Christian academy together with five other universities in Latvia was awarded with prestigious EC recognition vestige. ECTS Label is an honorary distinction showing that the institution applies ECTS correctly, both in terms of information published on the […]

An international EZA project seminar in April 24-25, 2014

EC organization EZA (“European Center for Workers’ Questions”) launches an international joint project “TU strategies to promote good labour relations in a changing industrial landscape” in cooperation with Latvian Christian academy, ACV-BIE (Belgium), CARTEL ALFA (Romania), RECHT EN PLICHT (Belgium), UNASM (Macedonia) and USO (Spain). The first seminar  titled “Criteriology aspects for quality assessment of […]

Diploma of LChrA – with EC Diploma Supplement Quality Label!

Diploma issued by Latvian Christian academy has been awarded with the quality hallmark of the European Commision executive agency EACEA (Diploma Supplement Quality Label). The decision was made following criteria prescribed by the document “ECTS DS Guidelines for applicants”.

Seminar from ERASMUS/ERASMUS+ coordinators

A two-days seminar for ERASMUS/ERASMUS+ coordinators from all Latvian universities and colleges was hosted by Latvian Christian academy in January 29-30, 2014, organized by the State education development agency. The seminar marks transition from the EC Life-long learning programme (2007-2013) to the new EC programme for learning and education, as well as in the field […]

The Secod EC INTERUV Regional Conference

The Second EC INTERUV regional conference titled “Joint study programmes: facilitator for university internationalisation” took place in November 6-7, 2013, in Rome, Italy. Rector of LCA prof. S.Gūtmane attended both plenary session and two workshops “Management of joint study programmes” and “Sustainability and quality of joint study programmes”. 158 participants attended the conference – rectors […]

Meeting with rector of Tallinn Theological university

In October 25, 2013, rector of Tallin Theological university, pastor of Estonian ev.luth. Church prof. Ove Sanders visited Latvian Christian academy and met its rector prof. Skaidrīte Gūtmane. Both heads of universities discussed guidelines for possible cooperation on future – exchange of lecturers and making of the research consortium. The meeting was wrapped in the […]

Agreement of mutual cooperation with Klaipeda University

In October 30, 2013,  prof. E.Aciene and prof. I.Dirgeliene from Klaipeda University (Lithuania) visited Latvian Christian academy on behalf of the rector of KU. Discussions with rector of Latvian Christian academy prof. S.Gūtmane were focused on agreement of mutual cooperation between universities – making of consortium for research in caritative social work, social entrepreneurship, joint […]

Evaluation of the master study programme “Biblical art”

In October 23-24, 2013, evaluation of the Master study programme “Biblical art” was held at Latvian Christian academy by experts’ team of the Ministry of Education of Science. The study direction “Arts” has been accredited for maximum duration till 2019 earlier in May 2013. The Master study programme received very high estimation due to “high […]