
Latvian Christian academy accepted in the EU EURAXESS

Latvian Christian academy was accepted in the EU EURAXESS – Researchers in Motion – network. It is a unique pan-European initiative delivering information and support services to professional researchers. Backed by the European Union and its Member States, it supports researcher mobility and career development, while enhancing scientific collaboration between Europe and the world. For […]

Monograph on Isaiah Berlin by Dr.habil. Jānis Nameisis Vējš

Monograph on philosopher Isaiah Berlin by Dr.habil. Jānis Nameisis Vējš titled “Four essays on Isaiah Berlin” has been published by the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Latvian University, in 2017. Dr.habil. Jānis Nameisis Vējš ir associated professor at Latvian Christian academy.

Doctoral studies in Social work and Caritative social work are possible!

Latvian Christian academy, Klaipeda University (Lithuania) and University of Lapland (Finland) have signed the Consortium Agreement about Doctoral studies in Social work. This is huge step forward especially because in Latvian Classificatory of sciences there is no section “Social work”, consequently they who wanted to progress, signed up for “Sociology”. Those who are interested in […]

Agreement of interuniversities’ cooperation between Latvian Christian academy and Klaipeda University (Lithuania)

Agreement of ERASMUS+ interuniversities’ cooperation between Latvian Christian academy and Klaipeda University (Lithuania) was signed in May 6, 2018, for the period 2017 – 20121.    

Pēteris Krīgers, DrHC elected as an official member of European Economic and Social Committee

Mr Pēteris Krīgers, DrHC of Latvian Christian academy and long-term Secretary general of Latvian Free Trade Unions Association was elected as an official member of EESC (European Economic and Social Committee). Congratulations! In the picture – DrHC Pēteris Krīgers (2nd from right) in the Doctor Honoris Causa awarding ceremony at Latvian Christian academy, June, 2016, […]

Rector of LChrA prof. S.Gūtmane in European Congress of Medical Rehabilitation

European Congress of Medical Rehabilitation (ESPRM) was held in Vilnius (Lithuania), May 3-5, 2018. Rector of Latvian Christian academy prof. Skaidrite Gūtmane participated with presentation “Role of Caritative Social work in the Holistic and Interdisciplinary Perspective of Rehabilitation”.

Excursion of art students to unique monasteries in Pskov

Students of the Biblical art study programme together with their teacher, Icon painter K.Tambovskaya, visited the world-famous monastery in Pechori (Pskov, Russia). They visited the Kremlin, its splendid Cathedral of St. Trinity, churches of John the Baptist and St. Basil the Great, and historical reservation of the old Russian architecture “Поганкины палаты”. They saw icons […]

Defense of Final Thesis at the Academy in February, 2018.

Defense of Final Thesis in Theology and Social work was held at Latvian Christian academy in February 19, 2018. Congratulations! The new graduates proved their qualification after successful studies at the Academy, by implementing European Social Agenda guidelines and showing skills to apply interdisciplinary approach to problems discussed. The Final Thesis evaluation team was led […]

Award for succesful ERASMUS+ implementation.

In December 8, 2017, Latvian Christian academy was awarded for successful implementation of the ERASMUS+ mobility studies program. As we all know, ERASMUS is celebrating 30 years  in 2018, whereas in Latvia we have it for 18 years.ERASMUS+ has given an opportunity to ensure both students’ and teachers’ mobility across Europe, as well promoted involvement […]

Rector of LChrA prof. Skaidrīte Gūtmane – member and leader of the international accreditation experts team in Lithuania.

International accreditation procedure of Social work study programmes was started in 5 Lithuanian Universities and 6 Colleges around the country, December, 2017. The procedure is run by the Lithuanian Centre for quality assessment in higher education (SKVC). Rector of LChrA prof. S.Gūtmane participates in the Evaluation team for Universities, and she is the Head of the […]