International cooperation

EZA seminar “Social Dialogue as a Precondition for Social Work Professionalization in the Baltic States”.

In May 26-27, 2016, an annual international EZA Seminar “Social Dialogue as a Precondition for Social Work Professionalization in the Baltic States” was held at Latvian Christian academy (supported by EC). The goal of the Seminar – in times when the paradigm of social work undergoes changes it is necessary to sketch more precisely borders […]

Academic Proceedings of LChrA – Vol. 4

The 4th volume of the academic Proceedings of Latvian Christian Academy were published in May, 2016, dedicated to the history and innovative challenges of Caritative social work. The volume is edited by prof. Skaidrīte Gūtmane, Rector of Latvian Christian Academy; following her initiative the CSW was legally accepted in Latvian legislation in 2008 and special […]

Master class in watercolor painting Lithuanian artist S. Urbanavičiūte.

In May 9-12, 2016, master class in watercolor painting for young artists – students at Latvian Christian Academy – was held by Lithuanian artist Saule Urbanavičiūte (Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences), within the ERASMUS cooperation frame.

Public lecture of Cardinal Pietro Parolin.

Public lecture of Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Secretary of the State of Vatican, was held in Great hall of Latvian University, May 12, 2016. Cardinal presented the Latvian edition of Encylic “Laudato si” and his visit marked 25th anniversary of the renewed diplomatic relations between Latvia and Holy See and 95th anniversary since Holy See has […]

Master-class in drawing by Arturas Rimkevičius (Lithuania).

In April 11-15, 2016, Master-class in drawing was held for Bible art students at Latvian Christian academy. Well-known Lithuanin artist Arturas Rimkevičius (glass, stain-glass) fascinated students with creativity and excellent professionalism, introduced to his projects in Lithuania and abroad, restored stain-glass windows in Lithuanian churches. Arturas Rimkevičius from Lithuanian University of Applied Sciences held the […]

Students and graduates of LCA gather for the “Cabinet of Byzantine Anthropology”!

In March 1 – April 1, 2016, Cabinet of the Byzantine Anthropology was opened at Latvian Christian academy, inviting those who are interested, both students and graduates from the Academy, four times a year for sessions in cooperation with well-known foreign academics. Byzantine anthropology attracts interest both among theologians, philosophers and anthropologists; books and articles […]

ERASMUS mobility visit from St. Ignatius Loyola College, Kaunas

Dr. Laimutė Anužienė, Rector, and Egle Purvaneckaite, Business Development Manager of St. Ignatius Loyola College (Kaunas, Lietuva), visited Latvian Christian academy within the ERASMUS mobility programme. Dr. L. Anužienė is lecturing on “Christian values in Social care” for students of Latvian Christian academy (December 11 – 18), and E. Purvaneckaite has arrived for sharing good […]

IDC 50th Anniversary congress in Rome, Italy.

International Deaconate Center (IDC, Germany) celebrated its 5oth anniversary in Rome, Italy, October 21-25, 2015, with 570 participants from 37 countries around the globe. Latvian Christian academy represented by Rector prof. Skaidrite Gūtmane and assist. prof. Guntis Dišlers. President of IDC prof. Klaus Kiessling took active part in the making of the concept of Caritative […]

Lectures for Social work students within ERASMUS+ mobility frame

In September 23-26, 2015, within the ERASMUS+ cooperation framework practice-oriented lectures “On Social work with Children and Adolscents” were given for Social work students by Evelina Daruliene and Ingrida Gailiene, lecturers from Kolping University of Applied Sciences (Kaunas, Lithuania).

Annual EZA seminar at Latvian Christian academy

An international EZA (“European Center for Worker’s Questions”) seminar titled “The meaning of Social enterprises in Europe for promotion of employment and the role of worker’s organizations” was held at Latvian Christian academy in September 24-25, 2015. It was attended also by President of EZA Mr. Bartho Pronk; among experts were Norbert Klein (EZA), Sir […]