Master class in watercolor painting Lithuanian artist S. Urbanavičiūte.

In May 9-12, 2016, master class in watercolor painting for young artists – students at Latvian Christian Academy – was held by Lithuanian artist Saule Urbanavičiūte (Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences), within the ERASMUS cooperation frame.

Master-class in drawing by Arturas Rimkevičius (Lithuania).

In April 11-15, 2016, Master-class in drawing was held for Bible art students at Latvian Christian academy. Well-known Lithuanin artist Arturas Rimkevičius (glass, stain-glass) fascinated students with creativity and excellent professionalism, introduced to his projects in Lithuania and abroad, restored stain-glass windows in Lithuanian churches. Arturas Rimkevičius from Lithuanian University of Applied Sciences held the […]

ERASMUS mobility visit from St. Ignatius Loyola College, Kaunas

Dr. Laimutė Anužienė, Rector, and Egle Purvaneckaite, Business Development Manager of St. Ignatius Loyola College (Kaunas, Lietuva), visited Latvian Christian academy within the ERASMUS mobility programme. Dr. L. Anužienė is lecturing on “Christian values in Social care” for students of Latvian Christian academy (December 11 – 18), and E. Purvaneckaite has arrived for sharing good […]

Latvian Christian academy – the best in the international ERASMUS intensive programmes!

Latvian Christian academy was awarded with prestigious prize “Spārni 2015” (Wings 2015) as the best among Latvian Universities in the international Erasmus, Comenius, Leonardo da Vinci and Grundtvig projects’ competition organized by the State Education Development Agency (VIAA) in December 9, 2015. Independent experts highlighted an international project managed by the Academy “Social economy, social […]

Lectures for Social work students within ERASMUS+ mobility frame

In September 23-26, 2015, within the ERASMUS+ cooperation framework practice-oriented lectures “On Social work with Children and Adolscents” were given for Social work students by Evelina Daruliene and Ingrida Gailiene, lecturers from Kolping University of Applied Sciences (Kaunas, Lithuania).

Seminar from ERASMUS/ERASMUS+ coordinators

A two-days seminar for ERASMUS/ERASMUS+ coordinators from all Latvian universities and colleges was hosted by Latvian Christian academy in January 29-30, 2014, organized by the State education development agency. The seminar marks transition from the EC Life-long learning programme (2007-2013) to the new EC programme for learning and education, as well as in the field […]

Agreement of mutual cooperation with Klaipeda University

In October 30, 2013,  prof. E.Aciene and prof. I.Dirgeliene from Klaipeda University (Lithuania) visited Latvian Christian academy on behalf of the rector of KU. Discussions with rector of Latvian Christian academy prof. S.Gūtmane were focused on agreement of mutual cooperation between universities – making of consortium for research in caritative social work, social entrepreneurship, joint […]

ERASMUS award to Latvian Christian academy

Latvian Christian academy has been the member of ERASMUS University charter since its beginnings. In November 22, 2012, celebrating the 25th anniversary of ERASMUS, our university was awarded for positive achievements in the development of the ERASMUS study programmes and mobility – testifying to good involvement in the Bologna process of European higher education. The […]

Conference „Assessment of Mobility Achievements” in Vilnius, Lithuania

The conference of international exchange project ERASMUS, NORDPLUS etc. coordinators was held in November 13, Vilnius, Lithuania. LChrA was represented by the rector S.Gūtmane and G.Dišlers.

ERASMUS Intensive Programme “Social Economy, Social Enterprise and the Dynamics of European Democracy” in September 24 – October 6

Teachers and students from Latvia, Lithuania, Denmark, Norway, Romania and Hungary attended the IP course for studies of the topic for 10 intensive days. Programme of IP is available here The objectives of the IP is to develop understanding of Social Economy from three perspectives: Europe 2020 strategy perspective, Associative democracy concept, Analysis on what […]