Bible Art

Icon exhibition in Easter

During easter time, 2023, (April – May) an Icon exhibition was open for visitors at European Christian Academy. Icons were painted by both students and staff, visitors could oberve the icon painting (“writing”) process, take part in workshops lead by icon painter Olesya Aboliņa.

Calligraphy for incoming ERASMUS+ students

Beginning form March 17, 2023, students from abroad will attend academic masterclass in Iconography and Calligraphy (within the “Bible ARt” study program). The masterclass wil be run by DrHC George v. Durtanossky (Germany). Students will attend professional workshops, visit Department of Ancient Manusripts and Rarities at Latvian National Library, where they will do practical part of the masterclass. The course will last 3 months.

“Continental Art Centre” discussion about Icons in the modern world

Group of artists and art producers “Continental Art Centre” has organized international discussion about the role and perception of Orthodox icons in modern Europe. The discussion put together artists and critic from many countries, and Christian Academy was presented by teachers of the Bible art study programme. The discussion was moderated by the President of […]

Discussion about perception of Icons in modern world

Continetal Art Centre (The Netherlands) organized seminar-discussion (online) about fascinating subject – creation of Icons in the context of modern European society in October 15-16, 2022. Is traditions still there, and if it does – how? How do we perceive it? The discussion was moderated by Sir Leen la Riviere, Director behind the CAC.