Master level studies


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Academic master study programme “Bible Art”, code 45211 (Iconography, Scriptology, Calligraphy, Graphics, Visual Arts)

The copyright holder of study programs at European Christian Academy is © International Board of Advisors and © European Christian Academy. Unauthorized use of this content is forbidden.

Study program since 1997 was regularly accredited for maximum duration six years. Now the Academy is looking for agency registered at EQAR (European Quality Assurance Register) for regular accreditation.

The study programme is focused on penetrating research of both Eastern and Western Church art traditions and canon. This is the only study programme in Europe offering such knowledge in Icon painting, Classical painting and Graphic art related to the Church. Icon painters are required in European countries and we are proud for our graduates working on commission in Russia, Bulgaria, Greece, Romania, Israel and, of course, in Latvia. Essential role in the making of the programme was long-term participation of the Academy in archeological digs in Israel.

Interdisciplinary discourse of the Study Program offering clustered study courses combined of several disciplines. Program offers narrative learning on European Sacred Art Heritage and European Social Agenda studies in unity.

Study programme director: prof. Ieva Sergejeva.

Programme in short:

  • Study duration: 2 years.
  • Volume: 80 crp.
  • Study form: full-time.
  • Requirements: bachelor degree in arts or the 2nd level professional higher education in arts.
  • Qualification awarded: academic master of humanities in arts.

Academic master study programme “Theology”, code 45221

The copyright holder of study programs at European Christian Academy is © International Board of Advisors and © European Christian Academy. Unauthorized use of this content is forbidden.

This is the only study programme in Europe serving as methodological foundation for analysis of social processes, thus strengthening social policy platform in Eiropean countries.

Study programme accredited on May 22, 2013, within the Study direction “Religion and Theology” (Accreditation list No. 12_1, Accreditation list No. 12_2) for maximum duration of 6 years. In 2021 the term of accreditation has been prolonged until December 31, 2023 (with the Paragraphs No. 48 & 49 of Transitional Provisions of Amendments of Law on Higher Education Institutions from 21.06.2018., 24.04.2020. and 03.06.2021.).

The goal of the study programme is to implement the Bologna process in higher education. Bachelor graduates from both social sciences and humanities interested in interdisciplinary studies are accepted: how to apply knowledge in theology as a strategic tool for scientific analysis, expertise and strengthening of human resources in Europe by use of interdisciplinary research and using method of integrative theology and / or other methods in independent scientific research in penetrating analysis of various fields of the Social teaching of the Church, Eco-theology, Church history, Christian anthropology etc. Students have an opportunity to deepen their knowledge in the Orthodox theology and theological foundations of the Church art.

Programme in short:

  • Study duration: 2 years.
  • Volume: 80 credit points/ 120 ECTS credits.
  • Study form: full-time.
  • Qualification awarded: academic master of theology and religion science.
  • E-learning available.


Professional master study programme “Supervision”, code 47762

The copyright holder of study programs at European Christian Academy is © International Board of Advisors and © European Christian Academy. Unauthorized use of this content is forbidden.

Positive assessment and international accreditation of the study branch “Social welfare” and all its Bachelor and Master programs is accomplished. Also this program is accredited.

Director of the study programme: assistant prof., mag. theol., supervisor Dace Dolace.

The profession is much required both in Latvia and abroad in Europe, and far beyond limits of Social work professional application.

Programme in short :

  • Study direction: Socioal Welfare.
  • Conferred degree: Professional master degree in social work.
  • Qualification awarded: Professional qualificatyion of supervisor.
  • Volume: 80 crp.
  • Study type: Full time  part time in presence.
  • Duration: 2,5 and 2 years.

 Professional master study programme “Caritative Social Work”, code 47762

The copyright holder of study programs at European Christian Academy is © International Board of Advisors and © European Christian Academy. Unauthorized use of this content is forbidden.

Positive assessment and international accreditation of the study branch “Social welfare” and all its Bachelor and Master programs is accomplished. Also this program is accredited.

Director the study programme: Dr., prof. Skaidrīte Gūtmane.

The study programme is evaluated as having innovative methodology – promoting phenomena of charity into Social work education. The programme was discussed with Pope Francis in His Apostolic palace (Vatican, Rome) in June 4, 2016. It is one of a kind in Europe.

The programme is focused on penetrating acquisition of forms and methods of caritative social work in times of change; special emphasis is put on the principles of social economy in the context of social work. These skills lay good foundation for further private entrepreneurship in the field. The knowledge is both required and innovative in European context.

Programme in short:

  • Study direction: Social Welfare.
  • Conferred degree: Professional master degree in caritative social work.
  • Qualification awarded: Caritative social worker.
  • Volume: 60 crp / 90 ECTS.
  • Duration: 1,5 years,
  • Requirements: higher education in caritative social work, social work, social pedagogy; bachelor degree in psychology, health care, education / pedagogy, personnel management, theology, 2nd level higher professional (or equal) education in pedagogy.

In April, 2019, the the Latvian State Chapter of Orders awarded graduate from Latvian Christian academy Mrs. Ārija Martukāne with the highest Order of the State – the Three Stars Order. Congratulations! We are proud to be informed about achievements of graduates from our Academy!

Zanda Kalniņa-Lukašēvica graduated from Latvian Christian academy with Master degree in Caritative social work. She was board member of “Caritas Latvia” and “European Movement – Latvia”. Formerly she was in member of the Strategic planning and analysis board to the former President of Latvia Valdis Zatlers, Deputy Chairwoman for Administration issues. Currently our graduate is Deputy Speaker and Member of Parliament of Latvia.

Professional Master study programme “Social Entrepreneurship Administration”, code 47762

The copyright holder of study programs at European Christian Academy is © International Board of Advisors and © European Christian Academy. Unauthorized use of this content is forbidden.

Positive assessment and international accreditation of the study branch “Social welfare” and all its Bachelor and Master programs is accomplished. Also this program is accredited.

Director the programme: Dr.oec., visiting prof. L.Līcīte-Ķurbe.

This is the only study programme in the Baltic States offered rights to implement prestigious Jean Monnet Study Module.


Latvian Christian Academy has received an awarding ERASMUS+ “Jean Monnet Module” plaque from EC EACEA (Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency) in May, 2017. As the following letter states, “The purpose of this plaque is twofold. It serves primarily as a label signifying quality in European integration studies and represents the achievements of your Jean Monnet Module in this field. At the same time it also provides visibility for the Jean Monnet Action, presenting it as focal point within and outside your institution for the promotion of European issues.” The Module title at Latvian Christian Academy is “European Social Entrepreneurship with the Future”.

Even the first graduates from the programme do very important job in unique field. Among them there is Mrs. Eva Viļķina. In December 2018 she was awarded  as “Pride of Latvia” for her initiative “Wings of Hope” in Sigulda. Welcome for studies!

Study programme in Social Entrepreneurship Administration is the only study programme in Latvia based on the innovative concept of Social Economy promoted in EU countries. The programme links principles and methods of social work and social entrepreneurship in interdisciplinary package with aim to reach social goals in entrepreneurship. It offers insight in both the principles of organization and the running of social business, deals with social and spiritual needs of socially marginalized people, promoting the cohesion of society. Academy welcomes new students at an innovative programme!

Programme in short:

  • Study direction: Social welfare.
  • Degree awarded: Professional master degree in social entrepreneurship.
  • Volume: 80 crp, with preliminary knowledge in economics and entrepreneurship  60 crp.
  • Duration: part time studies 2 years, with preliminary knowledge1,5 years,
  • Study type: full time studies in evenings, part time studies – 1 week p/month, e-studies according anindividual plan.