Interdisciplinary approach by use of the method of Integrative Theology investigating relationships between various innovative fields of knowledge.
Main directions of corporate research groups at ECA:
1. Interdisciplinary research.
Group leader: Rector of ECA Dr.phil., prof. Skaidrīte Gūtmane.
Members: Dr. phil. habil., asoc. prof. Jānis Nameisis Vējš, LChrA; Dr. soc. Ilze Trapenciere, LV; Dr. phil., prof. Aino Kuzņecova, LChrA; Mag. philol., Mag. theol., doct. student Dace Dolace, ECA; Mag. theol., doct. student Guntis Dišlers, ECA; Dr. habil. Peter Törok, Semmelveis University, Institute of Mental Health, HU; Dr. theol., asoc. prof. Dr. HC William Bell, Bakke Graduate University, SHUV Institute, Seattle, USA; Dr. theol., Dr. psych., DrHC prof. Klaus Kiessling, Sankt Georgen University of Philosophy and theology; President of International Deaconate Center, DE; Dr. theol. Nicu Dumitrascu, University of Oradea, RO; Dr.theol. habil. Ioann Chirilla, University of Babes-Bolyai, RO; Dr.soc., DrHC prof. Elvyra Aciene, University of Klaipeda, LT; Dr. phil. habil. Vaidas Matonis, Vilnius State Pedagogical institute, LT.
2. European Sacred Art Heritage: Phenomenon of European Iconography and Scriptology – research on sociological and anthropological risks in modern Europe (history of iconography in Europe, texts and scripts in Ancient Europe, social role, axiology, the role of the Art therapy).
Group leader: DrHC George van Durtanossky (Germany).
Members: Dr. phil. habil., asoc. prof. Jānis Nameisis Vējš, LKrA; Mag. theol. (dr.stud.) Guntis Dišlers, ECA; Dr. habil. Peter Törok, Semmelveis University, Institute of Mental Health, HU; Dr. theol., Dr. psych., DrHC; Dr. theol. Nicu Dumitrascu, University of Oradea, RO; Dr.theol. habil. Ioann Chirilla, University of Babes-Bolyai, RU; Dr. phil. habil. Vaidas Matonis, Vilnius State Pedagogical institute, LT; Vita Ozoliņa; Dr.hist. Venta Kocere.
3.Orthodox theology and canonical art in Latvia.
Group leader: Dr.theol. Aleksandrs Šabeļņiks, ECA.
Members: Mag.theol., doct. student Mikus Solovejs; Mag.theol., doct. student Guntis Dišlers, ECA; Dr. art. George Marcel Muntean, University of Babes-Bolyai, RU; Icon painter, Georgijs Mironovs, RU, Nikolae Kanonasu, researcher from Orthodox Academy of Crete. Students from both tehology and art study programmes (Bachelor and Master levels) are involved.
4. Translation of Eastern Church fathers in Latvian.
Group leader: Dr.theol. Ilmārs Hiršs-Iršs, ECA.
Members: Mag. philol., Mag.theol., doct.student Guntis Dišlers, ECA; Mag. philol., Mag. theol., doct. student Dace Dolace, ECA; Mag.philol. Aleksandrs Starožiļecs, IS; Mag.theol. Juris Jefuni, specialist in Greek language, LV; specialist in Church slavonic and Russian language Guzel Gurdus; Specialist in German language Mag.theol. Artis Eglītis, LV. The group works in close cooperation with Translators’ commity of the Latvian Orthodox Church.
5. Caritative social work as profession and social science.
Group leader: Rector of LChrA Dr.phil., prof. Skaidrīte Gūtmane.
Members: Mag. philol., Mag. theol., doct. student Dace Dolace, ECA; Mag. philol., Mag.theol., doct. student Guntis Dišlers, ECA; Dr.soc., DrHC prof. Elvyra Aciene, University of Klaipeda, LT; Prof. Indre Dirgeliene, (supervision), University of Klaipeda, LT; Marianne Wasermann, BE; Dr. theol., Dr. psych., DrHC prof. Klaus Kiessling, Sankt Georgen University of Philosophy and theology; President of International Deaconate Center, D; Dr. Nobert Hark (Innovations for social work and methodology). Students from both caritative social work study programmes (bachelor and master levels) are involved.
6. Research in social dialogue and employment issues.
Group leader: Asoc. prof., Dr.soc. Ivars Indāns.
Members: Rector of ECA Dr.phil., prof. Skaidrīte Gūtmane; DrHC Pēteris Krīgers, Member of EESC (European Economic and Social Committee), former President of Free Trade Unions Confederation (LBAS), Latvia, LV; Sigrid Schraml, Secretary General, EZA (European Center for Workers’ Questions – D); DrHC Roswitha Gottbehut, former Secretary General of EZA; Bartho Pronk, EZA.
7. Climate Symbols in Theology and Art. Regular meetings with international ECTA platform members, peer-reviewed publications from interdisciplinary perspective (climate actions and ecology, theology, anthropology, Sacred Art Heritage).
Group leader: Rector of ECA Dr.phil., prof. Skaidrīte Gūtmane.
Members: Dr. biol. Andris Dišlers; Dr. theol. Bjorn Nordstokk; Mag.theol., doct.student Guntis Dišlers, ECA.
Interdisciplinary research 2022-2023
- Academic publications in internationally quotable editions – 6,
- Academic publications in other international editions – 15,
- Publications in various Latvian editions – 4,
- Monographs – 1,
- Study tools and materials –12,
- Conference thesis – 4,
- Participation in research projects & programmes – 4,
- Coordination of international projects – 2.