For example, among other initiatives of our SE gradutes born in the Academy, is DRAMA THEATER of both horses and equestrians in open space. Plays are written by teenagers from ill-disposed families with whom traditional social workers don’t know how to deal with. Equestrians ride horses whose sports career is over and whose destiny in slaughterhouse. However, young adults cherish their will to study and to create!
IT IS WORTH TO APPLY FOR STUDIES IN SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP. EUROPEAN CHRISTIAN ACADEMY IMPLEMENTS “INNOVATIONS FROM ANTIQUITY” and offers education to those who are willing to carry out meaningful social changes with reasonable benefit for people.

One may say it otherwise: to know how to create an enterprise with socially effective and useful goal. It is possible to start even without credit from the bank. Vice versa, if you are wll-oriented in potential future clients, new possibilities to start the project with “crowdfunding” seems possible!
Academy has done excellent job summarizing 107 various definitions of SE and come up with individual study programs both in e-platform, distance course and studies in situ with both practical and research orientation.

Should I start my social business? Sure! It is not a big deal to earn money just for yourself. Even bigger skill and creativity against God and society is manifested when you want to carry out ideas without money and not just because of money!

How? – Come and apply for studies! Social entrepreneurship is revolution of the 21st century – as it was characterized by European Commission.
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